Can you Play Crypto Games on Your Mobile Device?


Can you Play Crypto Games on your Mobile Device?

In an "on-the-go" age, we often want to toggle between many things to be the most productive. Therefore, if you want to have some downtime, in a way, you'd like to use that downtime in a productive fashion, just not feeling like work of course.

Perhaps this is why the age of crypto gaming is upon us. You may play your crypto game while earning money. It's a dream come true for many, but does it even exist, and if so, what's a good game to play when you're first getting into crypto?

First answer to your question, "can you play crypto games on mobile devices," is yes. You can play crypto games on mobile devices. You may have to set up accounts or transfer crypto, so it can be complicated. I recommend finding a game that has found a way to get you into the game and into crypto without any of those complications that do come when you're dealing with crypto investments.

Can I get into a Crypto Game on my Mobile Device Without Owning Crypto?

Yes you can. Again, you just need to find the game that has been designed with this concept in mind. Most people do not have crypto just readily available in the beginning on their mobile devices; a whole process exists and if the game is not properly designed it can be complicated. Therefore, you want to research several areas before you commit your crypto investments.

When you look for a crypto game, consider these points:

  1. The game is secure.
  2. The game is easy to play.
  3. The game is easy to get crypto into (meaning, you do not need to start the game with crypto).

What Crypto Game do you Recommend for Playing on Mobile Devices?

Splinterlands, a crypto-based game that started many years ago is secure. It's one of the best mobile crypto games you can find. Let's talk about what makes it an exceptional choice for a mobile crypto game and see if it covers the points mentioned above about security, usability and ease for getting into crypto.


First of all, they have increased their security levels and their number of employees who are available to help you with any questions you may have about your investments with Splinterlands. The amount of developers making sure the game is running smoothly, along with the security of your investments has quadrupled in the last year.

User Friendly

Splinterlands is easy to play. You should have no difficulty playing the game on a mobile device. You have NFT cards and those cards battle against other players' cards to win matches. The graphics are not high-intensive, so a simple mobile device should be able to handle the game without much problem.

Easy to Get Crypto Into the Game

Splinterlands is easy to get crypto into when you have none. You can buy credits using PayPal in Splinterlands, which makes the system very user friendly. You take those credits to purchase NFT cards (only if you want to), and you can be on your merry way earning. If you'd rather not purchase credits, you can merely by their spell book using PayPal and begin playing the game to earn. As you advance in the leagues, you will earn credits and eventually DEC (Dark Energy Crystals), either of which you can then use to go purchase NFTs.

Based upon our analysis, Splinterlands is a wonderful crypto game to choose for playing on your mobile device.

For more information on Splinterlands, or if you want to play Splinterlands, click here which uses my referral link.