Becoming a Knight on Splinterlands - Trials and Triumph’s

in LeoFinance4 months ago


Not to brag but….

Hey! Whenever I have the chance to talk about how I started my adventure into Splinterlands, it always feels like I’m bragging, well, my intention is not to brag, but I’ll never pass up on a chance to say that I was part of the first 50 players on Splinterlands, drumrolls, yep! I happened to be online when the founder announced his idea and I keyed into it, followed up and the rest as they say is history.

Discovering Splinterlands was like stumbling upon a hidden treasure. It all started one idle evening, scrolling through Hive blog(Steemit at the time) when the founders post about this intriguing idea caught my eye. Little did I know, clicking on that link was like opening a portal to an enthralling new realm. The vibrant characters, the strategic battles, the allure of collectible cards – it was a captivating blend that instantly drew me in.

Splinterlands all day

Fast forward to today, and my journey in Splinterlands spans over 3 exciting years. From an awestruck newbie to a seasoned player, this game became a part of my daily routine. Whether it's strategizing battles over breakfast or unwinding with a few matches after work, Splinterlands seamlessly blends into my life. It's a perfect balance, offering both an escape and a stimulating mental exercise.

The accomplishments over these years in Splinterlands are numerous and dear to me. I remember the exhilaration of climbing up the ranks, from Bronze to Silver, and then to Gold League and then to Champion. Each victory was a testament to my growing skills and understanding of the game's mechanics. I also remember my first gold foil, my first legendary and my first gold foil legendary cards.

Looking ahead, my aspirations in Splinterlands are lofty yet exciting. My eyes are set on reaching the Diamond League, a goal that requires not just skill but also strategic deck building. I'm also on a quest to collect specific cards that resonate with me, not just for their in-game utility but for their artistic value and the lore they encompass.


More loss than wins but still!

To the beginners in Splinterlands, my advice is simple: patience and persistence. This game is a beautiful blend of strategy and chance. Take your time to understand each card, experiment with different strategies, and don't be disheartened by early defeats, I’ve had more losses than wins, yet it’s the wins that keep me going. Splinterlands is a journey, one where each battle, win or loss, is a learning experience.

Amid my Splinterlands adventures, one aspect that continually drives my growth is the inspiration I draw from fellow players. In this world, no matter how skilled or seasoned you are, there's always someone better, someone who pushes you to refine your strategies and think outside the box. This competitive yet friendly environment is what makes Splinterlands more like a community where each player, each rival, becomes a catalyst for your improvement.

I recall countless matches where I thought I had mastered the art, only to be outmaneuvered by a more ingenious strategy. These encounters, though humbling, were eye-opening. They taught me that the path to excellence in Splinterlands is infinite. There's always a new tactic to learn, a new combination to try, and a new adversary to challenge.


So, to every new player stepping into Splinterlands, remember that your growth is not just in your victories but also in the lessons from your defeats. Embrace the diversity of the community, draw inspiration from your fellow players, and let their skills challenge you to elevate your own. In Splinterlands, every player you encounter is a part of your journey to becoming a better, more strategic player.

Remember, it's about climbing the ranks and enjoying the journey, understanding the nuances, and growing with each match. Embrace the community, engage in forums, and learn from fellow players. Splinterlands is a community of enthusiasts, a place where fun and competition go hand in hand.

Reflecting on my Splinterlands journey, it's not just the achievements or the cards I've collected that stand out. It's the joy, the excitement, and the continuous learning that this game offers. From understanding the subtle strategies to appreciating the art and lore, Splinterlands is a world that constantly evolves and surprises.


As I look to the future, I see Splinterlands continuing to be a significant part of my life. Whether it's striving for higher leagues, collecting new cards, or just enjoying the thrill of the game, my journey in this magical world is far from over. It's a journey of challenges, triumphs, and endless possibilities – a journey I'm excited to continue.

Like I always say! Battle till you drop!

Thanks for reading.

Images are from Splinterlands.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are doing great on the splinterlands game and I have seen you making amazing content and sharing different strategies in the game. I expect that the next bull run is going to make assets valuable which can be an opportunity for the players to get some profits on the investment

Thank you very much for these words of encouragement and all your support alokkumar, friends like you in the community make all of this adventure fun and worthwhile. I truly hope we will live to reap the fruits of our labour in this space

Splinterlands have become a significant part of all our life. Hopefully we will see our life changes for good.

Hopefully! Thank you very much for your comment 🙏

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121