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RE: Down in dollar, Up in Splinterlands.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

That’s some huuuuge returns!!!

Do I put it back into more cards? SPS? Hive? LEO? or leave it in DEC and collect more SPS while waiting for it to head back up to peg? So many options.

Lmao! What an interesting problem to have😂😂😂😂

Hmmn do you think you have enough SPS? Or Hive? Or maybe split it among all your options in varying percentages.

No idea what Rune is 😳😳😳😲😲😲. Okay Rune is like cryptos holy grail, Thorchain is powered by RUNE. Thorchain is the only DeFi protocol where native tokens are exchanged permissionless-ly without being wrapped or doing kyc.

Thorchain scales crypto by helping it achieve true sovereignty by eliminating the need for centralized exchanges and cutting off the reach of regulatory bodies.

Yeah def look into ut