
You can test on this reply. Thank you in advance😅

Lool okey-dokey

Haha, thank you. Now you know how much 😅 and let me give back the favor.

oh wow I see you’re a Lion. Niiiiiiice. I’m lion too but Cub for now due to wallet maintenance

Thank you. Zealy made me do it😅 I was aiming to be a lion end of the year but it happened sooner which is absolutely great.

Send LEO to $0.1 and it will be easy to calculate our voting value.. hqhq

loool that’s one way to do it or I can just upvote your reply

Hqhq, nicely used braaaain.

Admins can help you

or I can test it on your reply 😉

Have you tried voting 100% on someone's post?

well let me try it on your comment and see 😉


it looks like 0.2leo but also looks like 0.6 Leo 🤷‍♂️