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RE: DAOs Are Going To Really Drive Governments Nuts

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The other day, Nig govt suspended some Fintech apps for close to 6 months or over for not complying with regulatory bodies by freezing their operational accounts in the bank, the same regulatory bodies that granted them the authorization to operate in the first place. If the fintech apps were built on decentralized spaces, I wonder whose account the government will freeze. I know for a fact that with time the move over to decentralized solutions will be fully embraced and the govt won’t be able to stop it. Anyone that thinks the govt works in favor of the general people is totally delusional

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If the apps were centralized they still would be vulnerable. The key is not to have the power in the application as much as the system. On Hive, all front end reads the same data. Hence, the system is really at that level. When we see the SpkNetwork, that is being designed so it is not going to be centralized in any manner. Hence, there is no way to go after anything on the network if the video storage, as an example, is decentralized.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta