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RE: The downfall of Gold - Will Bitcoin replace 6000 years of human history?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Interesting read. I don't know much about gold and silver investment wise. compared to crypto market, I have no idea what makes precious metals markets tick, do they share similar fundamentals as crypto markets?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yes, since gold&silver used to be hard wired to money. Around 1870 it was forbidden to use bare silver as a means of payment (The Great Crime of 1872 or sth like that) And gold used to be the foundation of the dollar value. Until 1972 you could exchange dollar for a certain stable amount of gold.

Many Gold and Silver stackers also believe in a great crash where gold and silver will become part or at least wired to the money system again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

gold & silber is also more easily to manipulate look how much bigger the paper markets compared to the real metal markets :)

yeah, the manipulation is a reason why I hope for a moonshot in Silver

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta