What the media won't say

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

It’s boring when it’s not pumping is only true when all you're looking at is the price, the most interesting things happening now are behind the scenes, not even the ones the media is talking about, especially the mainstream media, I hate those ones, the mainstream media has never been the best source of information?


Anyone that relies on the mainstream media cannot be at the forefront of information, the future of quality information is going to depend on individuals, (this is why I say reputation will be a big deal along the line) content creators in different niches as each compete to provide the best and most accurate information for the public to consume.

The aim of the mainstream media is to capture peoples attention by making it seem like they provide the best and most timely and accurate information, but under the hood, their sole purpose is to control the information, who remembers the first news about the COVID 19 breakout?

The first case of COVID 19 was reported in December 2019 according to WHO, but other legit information predating that were labeled conspiracy theories, the mainstream media has proven not to be on the people’s side 99.9999999% of the time, who remembers how Toilet papers ran out of stock in Amazon stores because the media wouldn’t stop making reference to toilet papers?

I was in the Twitter spaces with the President of El Salvador and over 20,000 people the morning the Bitcoin bill was passed, or maybe 2000 people, I can't really remember, it was super early here, around 5:15am I think, I don't even know what I was doing up but I've got to tell you, it was an awesome experience...


From the answers he gave to the myriad of questions that we're asked, his excitement about the entire thing and how he related with everyone, it was nothing short of amazing, I have never felt such connection with someone in his position before, his forward thinking, the reason, his sense of reasoning.....

This is what you get when the type of leaders, you're used to are mostly disconnected from the citizens, with very few exceptions, the situation of leadership I've experienced in my country all my life has been a “from fry pan to fire” type, plus, Twitter spaces made the ambience personal....

It was spectacular to relate with because the president of my country is the type that will be asked one thing and will answer another, the type that sees peaceful protest as a plot to impeach him and thereby eliminating every supposed threat, the type that doesn't give a hoot about the life of the citizens in the country other than to oppress them and lie and steal and kill! The devil lives inside Aso Rock!

Anyway, those that were present during the chat already knew most of the news about the event the mainstream media had to spread before they did, Geothermal energy generation, 3 BTC permanent residency plan and the Trust fund that'll serve as the absorber for people who didn't want to leave their money in Bitcoin after transacting and a ton of other cool stuff the mainstream media didn't say.

All mind-blowing, it is interesting to note that the way we perceive money has changed forever especially as it relates to cryptocurrencies.


Before we knew it, the IMF sent a memo of official meeting to the country of El Salvador, as expected and the mainstream media saw the opportunity to capitalize on it to generate more FUD.

Obviously, bodies like the IMF won't go without a fight, however, if for any reason they have an excuse to halt this development, then other countries will only pick up from where El Salvador left off.

We are yet to know the outcome of the meeting but can anything good come from the IMF? We will find out shortly. I'm looking forward to the crackdown of the monetary bodies and his it'll play out and I'm also looking forward to the complete overhaul of the mainstream media.

Thanks for reading

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