in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


My name should be named among the ingrates and rightly so, if my narrative of my experience on Hive blog so far, is anything short of an appreciation letter.

A thankful wretch would I be, if I fail to acknowledge the goodwill and selfless acts of many persons toward me on this platform.

True to the opening phrase of my application post; "I see Hive blog as an ocean", the only reason I'm yet to drown and I might never drown is because I have been offered lifeboats by people of goodwill, just so that I can stay on the surface and I have been given life jackets to remain afloat.

Mine is a story of how I have been helped, chiefly by @zellypearl. She'd first bragged about her ability to show me around Hive blog if I dare get an account.

When I was ready, I simply went to her. It turns out that her boastings weren't mere gloatings afterall, as she kept her words to the letter. She actually gave me a step by step guide, a precept upon precept advice, and a line upon line directives on how to navigate myself around here.

Upon my landing here, I was recognized by many of my family members back in Uptrennd University, their warm reception and kind words helped in calming my nerves and making the scene a bit familiar. They actually offered me a sense of belonging, which is what I truly needed, lest the agoraphobic me gets unnecessarily overwhelmed, worked up and eventually paranoid. I can be that funny.

You know those pats on the back, with mutterings of some sweet nothings? That's the feeling those kind words of theirs gave me, and it still does.

I had earlier read and engage in some Introductory posts and other posts, so I made few friends for myself, who also gave me a warm welcome, when I made my first post.

Also, before my first post, I stumbled upon posts with some form of guides, which happened to concur with some of the things I was earlier told by the zealous pearl @zellypearl and some other members of the former Uptrennd University family on Tiger trend on Discord. So I was able to properly structure my posts and tags in here.

It's been a jolly ride so far. Thanks to the help I got.

On some of the challenges I'm facing;

  • Foremost would be on getting even more familiar with some technicalities around here. Concerning this, I wouldn't want to get unnecessarily worked up. I don't mind taking my time. I believe that with more engagements, and by asking the right sets of question, I will keep expanding my knowledge of the platform .

  • The second isn't exclusive to me, it's actually the heart of every writer, we all need readers. Don't we?
    Those of us who put in much strength into writing will definitely desire that they be read, isn't that why we post our writings in the first place?

I know that I need to be more frequent with my postings, engage more, and take part in a lot of challenges and contests around here inorder to build my followings.
Other form of help is also welcomed.

  • The third one isn't still an exclusive challenge, it's on being more visible on the platform. It will be infuriating for someone to put up the best of efforts yet invisibility cum poor remuneration becomes the reward. Hive blog as a Decentralized platform is ours (the users) to build, and as such it shouldn't be out of place to have those of us; especially older users, who have the growth of the platform at heart coming with initiatives of this nature, to encourage newbies and high quality content creators to keep bringing their best to the platform.

I will count myself lucky to have belong to a caring family like the former Uptrennd University and to have met a lovely soul like @zellypearl who are ever ready to lend a helping hand. I wouldn't be so foolish to assume that everyone's fate is like mine. So if I may, I would have love to opine that newbies initiative have a community, so that all its activities becomes even more visible to entrants on the platform.

Finally I thank @starstrings and other team members of the newbie's initiative. You guys have made my job here easy.

Penned by a grateful heart @mmykel.


Uptrennd Family will forever remain in our heart and I love it how they easily identify with their own wherever they may see themselves.
Mommy Tiger will be so proud of us lol.
It has always been her heart's desire to stay united and encourage and support one another.
So seeing most of us do this even after the fall of the platform gardens her heart.
By the way, I hope you put the few things you have mentioned into consideration and start growing your account and building your audience as well.

Yes dear 😃, her vision is very much alive despite. It's certainly a joy happenstance. Thanks again @zellypearl.

I will try best to practicalise what I just said.
Thanks for stopping by.

De verdad que comparto contigo que tener una gran ayuda es algo que hay que valorar...y con respecto a que aveces nos sentimos invisibles es algo real pero por algo estamos aqui cierto ,? No nos dejamos vencer ya seguimos adelante con muchos deseos de aprender.

@surglen. Thank you for such a valid contribution.
Yes we shouldn't feel defeated we should keep on learning, because that's why we are here.
Thank you for stopping by.

What beautiful words of gratitude, everything is easier when you have help, we must consider ourselves privileged to have had a person who supported us from the beginning, it is splendid we can share those experiences with others.

Thanks for kind words @Cibersk8.
Help makes everything easy.

You said the answer to your challenges already. Engage more and more... You should do that often.. Not just engage, build relationship. That is, constantly keeping up with a particular person still the person get fond of you and then choses to read your content.

Partaking in contests and engaging brings you visibility. More so, making articles that your readers would learn from either a Diy blog or something that will add to them. These things makes people reblog your post thereby bring you more visibility.

Thank you for your recommendation @newbies-hive. I will endeavour to put your words to practice.

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