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RE: Take Out Food on the Rise!

in LeoFinance19 days ago

I mean let's face it 400 calories a week on a takeout isn't really a decent meal!

Are you sure it isn't just a result of averages? Like, the people who get the meals are 600 or 1,500 calories or whatever, but because there's a bunch of people getting 0 calories that way, since they don't deliever at all, the average is reduced to 400.

Similarly how the 'average' birth rate is, say, 1.2. You can't have 0.2 of a child.

Anyway, we order every day, every meal. It's flipped. We cook 'on special occasions' or maybe some weekends, kinda thing.

It's actually pretty normal in cities across Asia. Deliveries + Food is generally cheaper and, of course, far more convenient, than groceries (which you normally also get delivered), and many regular people simply don't use fridges and long-term storage of food for various reasons.

The culture here is just one of massively overworking. Your official work hours might end at 7,8pm, but it just continues into the night, weekends, vacation. For many, there's just literally no time to even step foot in a kitchen, let alone prep something fresh.

Nowadays, there's a ton of healthy options which simply wouldn't be viable doing it yourself for that kinda price - at least in my city.