Keys and password instructions || Remember to keep a backup

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello Hive

It can be very possible for anyone to loss the keys and and set of password associated with their account aside from it been compromised during consistent usage.

Getting onboard hive has been made easy by all the different app registration phase and even without a help one can easily onboard himself. But by doing this some forget some trivial warning.

The decentralized nature of hive made it that your keys and password aren't stored on any of their database once it is generated, hence during registration you have the sole responsibilities to guard and keep a backup.



Once this instructions are taken likely this is sure to happen.
Just imagine you have an account that is years old with substantial amount of funds that become unable to access these funds due to some lost keys.

Always keep a backup.

Helping to onboard people on hive requires that you also sound this warning to them in as much that you are not allowed to store their passwords personally, you must sound this warning and probably give suggestion on how they can keep their keys.

Its not only about tutoring them on how to makes post, use community tags well or getting to know more about cryptocurrency.

I have an instance of a year old account, even though its not about the funds this time its very difficult to abandon a personal blog due to lost keys, Sometimes you feel attacked and the progress so far on the blog makes it difficult for one to just leave it.

An offline backup should be not just in a single mobile phone but on your flash, Google clouds and several duplicated copies, this will ensure that you have access to any in case of loss of one or both of the backups.

A lost phone could mean that the backup on the storage is lost forever and such is the case here, going about the recovery process seems impossible without the master password for the account.

Remember to keep a backup.