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RE: Generating the wealth of a generation

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I can't but begin with a 'wow' reply. And then to add these "Go to school, study hard at university, get a good job, have a good life"'.
I can relate and proudly say that I have a degree as well but still unable to use it.

Ever since this year I have been on my younger brothers neck to introduce me into this new world currency and trading, he is still able to do a thing or two in forex, you are not a bad example to your wife's nephew because you know the latest trend and we indeed will have financial troubles if we don't key into these.
Is it possible for a woman to also trade, because I have a 100% interest with no experience at all, the university degree has only removed me from list of the illiterate and nothing more for now, a career in that like even with a doctorate degree won't take me far in terms of finances like you have rightly said in this post...
There is just alot on my mind for. now but learning a skill is still the only way am keeping busy.
Thanks for reading, I tried to make this comment short


Is it possible for a woman to also trade,

The thing with most crypto is, you can be whoever you want to be - crypto doesn't care what color, sex, nationality or religion you are