The evolution and power of money, Financial etiquette that multiplies your money

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hello Hive.


Whatever is worth doing at all should be worth doing well.
Everybody needs financial knowledge aside the normal ABC education to learn how to speak and write. One thing that is common to every human is the exchange of money for goods and services.

While some have grown to understand the rule behind the power of possessing money, others wallow in lack and poverty because they lack the simple financial etiquette to possess or multiple this simple tool.


Money has evolved and undergone so many changes over the time both in physical appearance and in the impact and influence it makes.

Earlier men accounted power to the number of sons(children) a man has who can stand up for him in the days of trouble and an infertile man or one who is unable to bear a child is seen as a failure in his society.

But now power has drifted from the number of sons a man has to the amount of money he owns in his pocket.

Could it be true that money answers to all things and a king without wealth has no influence unless his subjects are truly faithful.
A kingdom without prosperity will surely head towards dome and every king works wisely to multiple the cowries, silver and gold in his palace


If money could give one such influence and power what financial etiquette do we need to possess and sustain a wealthy status.

There is a point in life where you are been feed by your parents and guidance until you are old enough to feed yourself.
At this point, most of us as undergraduate will go extra mile to bill our parents extra unnecessary funds we desire to have and spend foolishly 🤓 but that is truly our chance to start investing wisely those extra finances we get.

I remember an undergraduate course mate buying land and I wondered what she wanted to use such for at a tender age of 18years, now she is into real estate management and her finances runs in millions.

The summary of this is, it is important to invest and invest wisely.
No one is too young to start an investment and every extra income we get can be put into good use and have them multiplied to generate the wealth and influence we desire.
The days we have extra cash, those money can be transformed into good use, time will come in the future where it will be hard to seek for finances for business start up or investments.

  • Invest and invest wisely
  • Borrowing /taking loans
    Borrowing money or taking bank loans is one financial drawbacks that can has wreck many investors.
    No matter the desire to posses a wholesome amount of cash for business startup or investments, bank loans is the worst idea out there.

Better still, start small and grow your business over time. Follow, trust the process and be patient for the change and growth you need.

  • Avoid Extravagant spending and eating too much into your profits, they can be reinvested over and over again until you hit a maximum financial stability and can now afford a Rolex watch of millions of dollars 🤓

  • Desire to have multiple streams of income.

  • Invest in the right business and at the right time

  • Do not give in to peer pressure or follows the crowds manner of handling investment, finances and business, seek to do something different and brilliant ideas.

These and many many more are some of etiquette that can multiply and sustain your finances, money is power and those in possession of it definitely rule the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 133 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

The future is going to have younger millionaires than we have at present and in the past. We were not exposed to investing at a younger age like the current day.
It boils down to discipline and staying focused.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes Baba... Thanks for always coming around and supporting my blogs 💖