Working out your wealth, income and finances through entrepreneurship.

in LeoFinancelast year


How different developing countries like mine have failed to provide Jobs for its citizens is always a subject of concern.

I was hoping that these developing countries are the ones who needed to build more industries, refineries, companies, research laboratories and so many institute where there citizens can be gainfully employed, working to earn a living while adding more progress to their communities and countries at large, nevertheless most of these and other infrastructure are lacking in most of our developing countries.

In Nigeria now it is either you become an entrepreneur and work out your own income after graduating from the university or be ready to go for job hunts for years, to secure a job that will end up paying you stipends.
Attending University isn't a guarantee that you will get jobs,don't even dare take a student loan to study for there won't be a job to pay back the loan.
Most of us have gone to school in order to acquire knowledge on how to start and go about our business ventures.

Its either you find something to do for yourself or remain poor for life.
Entrepreneurship has stood as an escape route ever since people starter competing so hard for every available job space in the government bosoms

Been an entrepreneur also comes with its own numerous challenges as the country hasn't provided the most suitable environment for businesses to thrive.
I am still a victim of the hurdles of business startup and challenges and I must confess that these aren't child play at all.
Nevertheless it is either one fights hard and rise above these challenges or be determined to remain poor and in need for need.

Most wealthy people didn't work out their riches from working for the government unless they are politicians who have embedded funds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes @monica-ene
Alot people are into entrepreneur but a low income of circulation of fund to purchase.
That really affect alot of Nigerian

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Entrepreneurship does indeed come with numerous challenges. I personally prefer them than the challenges that come with getting a job within the system and climbing your way up. You'll be stuck for many years and there won't have enough room to move around in a sense of having options to do different things.