
I prefer Android to iphone not because of anything but the battery capacity of android is 10x stronger than iphone

My fellow android lover. this is just one of the many reasons i choose android any day any time.

I am not rich, I prefere android. If I get rich yes then maybe apple for show off but for features android it is.

hehe, most people get apple products for the show off rather than the use. its great and all but i'll still choose Android if i had a lot more

I haven't used an iPhone before, but I think you need to give specific details on the type of iPhone we are talking about here. If it an iPhone 14 or 15 Pro Max, I might just choose it. hehe

Iphone has too many complications and it is not easy to customize your user experinece. Androids are more flexible so they're my choice.

Android devices more customizable; it allows for numerous devices at all price points; it offers space for additional storage; and can be modded or upgraded. They can even be de-googled.

With iPhone, one is locked into the Apple ecosystem.