Innovation that we can see in the world today [growth of technology]

in LeoFinance2 months ago

In the world today,so many things are happening that really shows we are in the 21st century, infact this generation are called indomie generation but recently they can no longer afford indomie. The country today is running high deflation, where by there are few money but so many goods.

Have u ever asked yourself the reason why Nigeria is also tagged the worst country ever that everything in everyone's mind now is to travel to a better country.

Before now, Nigeria use to be the best country because we are blessed with alot of natural resources like crude oil but we don't know the value. Nigeria is also the only country where u don't need any visa to enter infact there is free entry and free exist.
Have you ever heard someone saying am going to purchase visa for Nigeria?? Infact this sounds so awkward in the ear.

Research have shown that Nigeria is the best that has and can prepare all African delicacies meanwhile your dream country may be eating just biscuits,one stick if vegetable and then flowers to design them and then wine to bring it down. Chaii what a life?

I have also grown to find out that Nigeria is blessed with vibrants men and women who are eager and willing to work but the work isn't coming.

Recently in the country today, a man that is above 60's is our president we are really suffering meanwhile it is written in the Constitution that above 60 can't be voted for. May God help us oo.

It is also in this country that corruption is everywhr even in the mortuary, mortuary attendants are now working together with doctors,they sell some Human parts to the doctors,chaiii.

Foriegn cultures has also influenced our culture all in the name of technology, we now do almost everyone that white people do,for example in the village, there is this Calabash that if u take water from is very cold but not technology has brought us fridge,in the aspect of food too,we now enjoy eating indomie, spaghetti, and others which is not our food.

Further more, foriegn cultures have influenced so in our dressing too that someone will wear suit and be working under the hot sun just to look like white men.

It is true our country now has a high level of civilization, and we are really enjoying it for example the phone, before it was letter writing and going to post office to deliver it but now with the use of phone u can call anyone at any part of the world.

Technology has brought more good than harm but at the same time people especially young teenagers are abusing it especially phone.

Students no longer have time to read and study all they want now is to browse it using geogle, this has further promoted examination mal_practice as some students has been caught with phone during exams.

Internet too has promoted pornography, and teenagers are now grabbing it all.

Apart from this few disadvantages of technology u can agree with me that we all are enjoying technology because it has relieved alot of stress.

In the olden days we trekk to where ever we want to go but now through the use of motorcycle, tricycle etc
We now get to our destination more faster and easier.

Driving Schools has increased alot of self_driving, people today who have the money would like to get their private cars which will be of benefit to the family too. While others who are yet to buy also enjoy public transport,all are still technology.

We also have seaports,where boats are being used to travel for a long distance. Even airports where we have aeroplanes which is the fastest means of transport.

This is very interesting.

Young teenagers today are blessed with so many creative skills that some try to recreate some of this technologies,for example a young boy of 14,recreated an aeroplane,the only thing remaining is that it can't fly up.
It was so amazing and impressing that people was so surprised and started dashing him some money which is a hype to continue doing more.

Technology has also brought some kitchen utensils which has made cooking enjoyable, for example blender, electric stove,gas cooker etc.
People now enjoy using gas cooker to cook because it saves time and energy rather than firewood.

Technology has further influenced our culture by our way of thinking,we now think we have the worst country ever and as such developing too much hatred for our culture and appluadind the foriegn countries.

Citizens of this great country should be allowed to enjoy their fundamental human rights such as right to vote and to be voted for, right to own and acquire properties, right to education, right to life, right to freedom of speech, right to freedom of movements etc which will make life comfortable in the country.
Citizens on the other hand shouldn't mis use these rights in order not to attract severe punishments.

The country should please too avoid rigging elections to favour their candidates, they should allow citizens make their own choices.

Technology and self driving should be improved and as such every driver should acquire a driving license to avoid punishments.

What an outstanding topic??

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