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RE: (Some) Crypto Games Are Really Lame

in LeoFinance3 years ago

To be fair, most game developers are just now figuring out this whole crypto world. The people that are knowledgeable in crypto are learning game development because they have an idea. I don't believe the two worlds have fully collided yet.

I have ads. Personally how I would monetize it is introduce the dreaded microtransactions that help your progress. Perhaps a "premium tier". Also have in the terms of services that a percentage like .01% of your processing power will go into a mining pool to help the developers. Crypto faucets have been doing that for years. But you still can't make money until you create a game that people want to play.


It is a though balance, true, but at least in theory I think is possible to make a great game that fairly rewards both users and developers, the first to do such a game (and it doesn't need to be complex, just look at flappy bird or candy crush) would become rich.