
Welcome back Mr hive. Hope you are recovering well.

Yes, am in the process though not fully strong

Keep rest and eat well

Am gonna try, though I don't have the appetite to eat as before.

What happened?

Haven't regained most of the vitamins so for the mean time until they are fully back then I would beat my chest that am fully back. But at the moment, am in the recovery level.

Great to see you back in action.

Thanks boss, missed you

Welcome back and thread on!

Thanks, though not fully strong but am in the process. Thanks for your care.

Glad you are feeling better and you are back. Stay strong.

Thanks for your concern boss, indeed the lions care for each other. Am honored to be here.

That is the idea of community.

Surely I have experienced that too.Thanks for your concern boss.

Yea, am somewhat better though not fully strong but am gonna get there soon.

Did you get better completely? Welcome back to Hive, feel free to share your condition with us

Not completely better as I haven't regained most of the vitamins back but then am in the process of getting better, hopefully soon, though am still on the hospital bed.

glad to hear you're doing well!

Thanks boss. Thank for the care and love.

It’s good to have you back now. And I hope your health has improved a lot too.

Not that much but am in the recovery zone, gonna get there soon.

I hope you are 100% better! And that you can go back to your Hive activities with full steam!

Am not 100% okay but on the recovery zone. Thanks for your concern boss.