
Nice. I moved some to the exchange just in case we see another leg up in the near future. The chart is all setup, just needs a catalyst...

I pretty much used all profits I got from ETH price going up... Now I should have about 20 EUR worth of ETH left...

I powered up all HIVE I got so hopefully I see some returns.

It's the mass delusion that fires up altcoins. When too many people use Bitcoin for transferring funds, the network fee goes up past the critical point and people stop transferring Bitcoin and resort to Ethereum and altcoins instead...

What we need is more developers to write games and websites that allow payments with altcoins... There was a lot of sites that accepted Monero, but somehow nobody talks about Monero anymore when it comes to replacing Bitcoin.

LOL I had that view a year ago.

It didn't happen.

At some point, the Alts will pick up some steam.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Altcoin season doesn't happen every year... I waited for it a year ago too...

Maybe 2020 will be the year...maybe 2021.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to utility so when there is enough infrastructure, we will see things move.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I've noticed that during the pandemic people have been less and less online... That might delay the altcoin season as there is less buyers to push the prices up...

Which is odd since people have more time than they did before.

Maybe they are all binging on Netflix.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I already finished watching all the available Star Trek series backwards... The newest one is not on Netflix, only on Amazon...

I have been going through a bunch of series also. Haven't done Star Trek yet. Perhaps I need to add it to the list.

Posted Using LeoFinance