Iran-Israel Current Conflict

Hello everyone
In todays blog I wanna share the current war situations between Iran and Israel. What happened in the previous days? and what might happen in the future? I will also share my thoughts about the war and some solutions.


First of all I'm here to tell you guys what just happened in the previous days. On 19th of May 2024, Ebrahim Raisi, president of Iran died due to the helicopter crash. Basically, Iranian president he was on a tour of different countries, first he came to Pakistan and have met the Prime Minister Shahbaz shareef. He made a lot of agreements with Pakistan like he was giving petrol, gas and electricity at a very cheap prices.

After that he went back to Iran and from there he went to Azerbaijan, he inaugurated the Dam there and while coming back to Iran, his helicopter crashed and due to this incident Ebrahim Raisi and 7 other important personalities died.

This was all what happened on Sunday 19th of May. Everyone is thinking and giving their own thoughts about this big incident, some of the people says that it is a conspiracy by Israel as they took a revenge of the Drones which Iran fired on Israel, some of them are thinking that it is just an incident.

Now coming to my theory, after doing my research on this incident, I found out something that surprised me, just a few hours ago from the helicopter trip, there was a tweet from the official page of Israel in which they tweet a helicopters picture. This is very surprising that why they tweet a helicopters picture? and after some hours exact helicopter of Iran's president crashed, this is really strange.


When this incident happened Israel directly said to Iran that "It wasn't us", we are not involved in this incident. It means that Israel is trying to convince Iran that we are not involved in all the scenario but one question is disturbing me that why Israel posted a helicopters picture on his official Twitter account?

Hadi Nasrallah son of Hassan Nasrallah, he said in his X account that if Iran find any evidence that Israel is involved behind this incident then we are about to witness a dramatic geopolitical shift, it means that they will gonna clear Israel from this earth.

If this war starts, it will gonna affect the whole world because America is supporting Israel while Russia is standing behind Iran. China is also the supporter of Iran while UK stands behind Israel. It means that WWIII will gonna start.

I was reading an article in which the author said that Israel is planning to fire his nuclear weapon first and there target is Iran's nuclear base while Iran said that if you attack first then our attack will be ten times dangerous.

In my opinion, if there is a hand of Israel involved in the incident then Iran is having a right to do anything against Israel because they have lost their president and many other precious personalities. So I hope whatever happens is for the betterment of all of us and I hope Israel is not behind this incident because if he is then there will be a big war in the world may be nuclear war.

These were all my research and I hope it was informative for you guys.

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War is very harmful to the world.War is not good for us, so we want peace.We don't want war, we all want to live in the world well.We want an independent Palestinian state.

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