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RE: Trees, meet forest

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Financial stability indeed takes time, commitment and holding despite external pressure.
Investment is not easy indeed, i remember when a friend @bhoa encouraged me to invest in some coins and then when any little expense came up ill tell him pls i need some of that money, he will tell me thats not how to invest .
You don't invest only to take part to cover living expenses whenever they present.
I have learnt that the hard way.
I am sure those who sold their bitcoins too early have also learnt that.
I hope to commit myself to hard work so that by 2022 ill have different income souurces so ill burn the bridges over some investment meaning no going back despite external pressures which includes market dips and spikes but giving the time it requires even if its 10years but not enternity .Laughs.
Thank you for this enlightenment @tarazkp .


People that live off crypto for the most part, will always need more to live.