Creating a Financial Plan for the Future

in LeoFinance24 days ago (edited)

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In our today's world, it has become important for a person to take charge of his or her own financial planning and future. Fund management is important in availing financial needs, planning for future and any other financial shocks that may arise in the process of undertaking any business.

When you make a financial plan, you are generally in a position to clearly understand the current situation, visualize the future, and plan on how to achieve your desired goals and objectives.

These are few steps in financial planning;

Recognising Your Present Financial Position

The first element to be taken under consideration while planning for future finance is evaluating our current financial position. This is a knowledge of your income and expenditure, money you own and money that you owe to other people.

Make a list of income sources that are received at least once a month such as your salary, bonuses, and any other emoluments. Then, determine your monthly and yearly expenses such as; house rent or house repayments, utility bills, foods, insurances, and anything else that you would spend money on within one month.

Discount your expenses from your income to know how much you can save per month or how much you are in the negative.

Setting Financial Goals

The second concern to address in regard to a person’s financial profile is to define them for the future. These may be in the short-term such as establishing an emergency fund or in the long-term such as saving for retirement or buying a house.

In the case of defining financial goals, then it is essential to use what is widely referred to as the SMART criteria. This will enable you to concentrate and make changes in your behaviors purposely and intentionally towards achieving the set goals.

Creating a Budget

A financial plan is a long-term business strategy and one of the most important elements of a financial plan is a budget. A budget is a financial plan in your everyday spending and earnings, wherein you can see your potential spending cuts and planned spending towards certain goals or needs.

First, write down your income and any expenses that remain constant and do not fluctuate with the amount of money you earn each month; this includes rent, utilities, and others. Next, monitor your spending on categories that are considered non-essential or discretionary spending, to determine where one could potentially reduce his or her spending.

Lastly, it is recommended to spend a part of your income towards saving, investing and paying off you debts in order to meet your financial needs.

Establishing an Emergency Fund

A component of every saver’s expense plan includes the creation of an emergency fund account. An emergency fund is funds that are regularly saved and put aside in a separate account with the purpose of paying for any indivisible expenses that might arise at any time in the future.

According to the information of the financial sector, it is necessary to save three to six months of living expenses in case of an unexpected event. Begin with the goal and save a particular amount that you believe you can afford and establish direct deposits from your cheque account to your emergency fund.

Investing for the Future

Besides the constant having and saving for an emergency, people need to invest for the future. Savings enables one to earn returns on his/her capital and can assist an individual in meeting his /her financial needs in future

The process of investing entails the use of capital in order to generate income later on in the future. Seek to diversify across stocks, bonds, mutual equity funds, and property to give protection against risks and increase yields.

In case you are still confused on what to do then is better to seek the services a financial planner to guide on the best investment service to subscribe to depending on your target and tolerance level to risk.

Revising Your Financial Plan and Tracking Your Progress

Basically, once you have developed the financial plan, it is usually necessary to go through the check and balance process from time to time. Stakeholders’ lives change from time to time through factors like job promotion, marriage, or even having children which may alter the goals and objectives of a given financial plan.

You should at least once a year go throw your financial plan to make the necessary adjustments to meet your goals. Overall, as a financial planner, you should be very dynamic and always on the lookout to ensure that your plan suits your achievement of your financial goals.

By knowing more about your current financial position, knowing and setting attainable goals, preparing a budget, saving for hard times, investing, and evaluating the plan, you have the ability to plan and provide yourself a sound financial future.

However, always bear in mind that patience is really the name of the game when it comes to financial planning; as is discipline, consistency and a strong ability to go with the necessary flow!It is never too early to start planning for your future, come and get the financial freedom you desire.

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