Hive And Leo

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I love cryptocurrencies. I want Hive
to be famous and successful.
That is why I hope a lot on Hive.

But in my openion after finished HF-24 everything
is not Ok using Hive Peakd Ecency.
Vot and comment are delay. Whatever you do on there to be
not a patient men. I hope that to fix
this problem as first as possible.




But Leofinance is good to use.
Their TEAM is doing positively.
That is why A day and day
most of the investor are coming
on Leoplatfrom to invest.
I like to use Leofinance. Everything
on leo are better than Hive.

I claimed some Hive then traded
Hive to Leo on Hiveengine.



Thank you


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta