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RE: Hive Engine - The Problem With A $500k Hive Coin- BBD No.1

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Haha, well if lasse was running a ubi program then it probably would make more sense for him to buy his own coins lol. As he's running a business then it makes no sense. We're not a business i think it helps if you think of us more like a foundation. if liquidy is good which it seems to be close margins and people can get out when they want unless they are greedy lol

The problem also is the tokens running themselves as a business @edicted is like a 99.9% chance everything you guys doing on hive is illegal. So it's what they call an unregistered security.

So it's not a problem of buying the tokens. It's a problem of buying it if you're a business. Businesses need profit and revenues foundations don't function in that capacity per se. Their value system is different.. it may be based on health or eradicating disease or poverty.. The goal wouldn't necessarily be becoming a trillion dollar company.

The thing about inflation is if you're building a currency. i think you guys building like pyramid scheme penny coins or shitcoins lol...@taskmaster4450

Think about the us dollar they try to maintain it around 2% inflation. Now if they can't do that then that's not good because the inflation rate increasing typically means something is going to become unstable.

last example let's say you're a business and you buy cars overseas. You pay for them in us dollars right. If your dollar is not stable then every week you going to be paying more and more for the cars if the price keeps going up.. but you don't wanna pay more for the cars each week, lol. you wanna pay what the cars are worth every week.. right? So the hive community are the dummies because they don't even understand what the purpose of a stable coin is.. they aren't using these cryptos to do anything with them they selling them for fiat currencies right? lol.. if they were useful and stable @edicted

they'd just use them in an expansive crypto ecosystem.. all these merchants and vendors would take them because of their stability. if the price is inflating every week they don't wanna sell that they wanna keep it lol

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