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RE: Does Your Job Beat Unemployment?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yes finally a step in the right direction this is good. I'd just add for the smart alecks out there saying well i'll just go have some kids. Children are running on average over $500k per child to raise. These benefits that people get from welfare and many of these systems are at best supplemental.

So probably a bad idea to go hey i can just sit down be lazy and let me have some kids the system can take care of. I'm not a parent but i'm quite sure its very taxing on parents and costly in more ways than one to have kids. The propaganda around this generally starts because especially americans still don't know how to think for themselves lol.

They still screaming out it's marxism and its socialism. That you should go work hard and work your fingers to the bone. Well thats as silly as thinking its a great idea to farm the land without the mechanical inventions and new farm equipment just because you feel in some false idea of what is work. That people should be out there doing that. That doesn't mean anything to the universe you only live at best 80 years and you spend the greater part of that working for essentially nothing. doing hand movements because that only matters if you don't have automation. At this stage its conceivable to say that within 5-10 years every job done by a human can be done better by a computer.. I would say thats almost over 80% of the jobs that exist today.

So thats kinda futile to have that kinda thinking. It's illogical and i'll tell you something else seeing that the world economy is going into survival mode over the next several decades and i don't expect it to be a booming economy. I feel we're wasting alot of time in crypto on projects that still out there promising people riches and lambos and mostly pyramid, ponzi schemes.

What idiot wants to drive a lambo when most of the world is in economic ruin or hungry? Crypto wants to prove to the world it can be valuable? Instead of producing these cryptos that are inferior transactional units. I say that because if i go right now to a store and i buy some product with a cryptocurrency. I go home this a defective product. This a crap product how do i get a refund? That's not a good transactional system in our world. As well most cryptos work as horrible currencies and will fail as currencies then we're back to this speculation

You wall want to prove to the world the tremendous value and the best use case of crypto? Create a great ubi project. That's something useful of value to the world. It's not a gambling game. It's something significant and useful to the world. Now this circus we've all witnessed the last decade doesn't do anything for the world but expect me to listen to this narrative about a crypto utopia thats not going to happen.

El Salvador recognizing bitcoin that's not going to help them. If anything its going to alienate them from the us and they going to suffer like hell if the us and the state dept puts the squeeze on them for making it possible for terrorist to launder money and safe havens.

You all really wanna do something of use and importance instead of playing this shellgame and wasting all our time and the world's time. Create the ultimate mass adoption vehicle and economic stimulus and value system the world economic systems have ever seen. That i believe is only possible through ubi. UBI is saying the value starts with human beings not yellow rocks or black gooey dirt in the mud energy. It will come.. it will manifest itself one way or the other and we can use our energies to make the inevitable as efficient and great as it can be or we can continue to waste time with this circus.

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