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RE: EOS giving off major Hostile Takeover vibes

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The reason the price not higher is although hive has done well. it hasn't come full circle yet. For it to work like it should. We gotta get rid of people like the author of this post edicted.

Now i don't blame him. I blame the system design or dan larimer. Which is why dan keeps leaving projects when he finds the flaws in his systems. My best guess is he's trying to create the system that actually works and keeps failing.

So the funding mechanisms and vc's the brock pierces as it were. these people are no different than what edicted has become. So he's a unfortunate by product of why the price and the ridiculous rate of inflation rises and the price stagnates or moves very slow. Creating less economic prosperity.

So we getting close to the end of this era of people like him and brock pierce. It won't be much longer now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta