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RE: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Changing The Nature Of Labor

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The article moves in the right direction however it's conclusion still seems to me circular in that they all seemingly on this subject end the same and that is with just create many dao's and those dao's get it right and solve the problem overall. Unfortunately i don't think the solution lies in how many dao's you create or how many people use dao's but how the dao itself is governed and designed. I think the effectiveness of a dao should lie in the level of democracy and distribution as well as representation. I think of which all of these categories border on the same exact thing. So i don't believe you can be decentralized without addressing influence, wealth and representation. .if any area is lacking i don't believe you can genuinedly consider it decentralized as a network. So about 99.9999% of cryptos fail in this lol.

So a commentor gave an example of workers having ownership over the platforms. The problem is i don't think that's necessarily going to be the solution in that it suggests that everyone wants to be in positions of ownership. I don't know if everyone desires it or needs to be over the idea of everyone needs sustenance and basic needs and well being of circumstances met.

i think ownership in a bad community or environment is still bad. Now where i think a disagreement will come with me is where i value well being and the best possible outcome for all over your personal in some instances harmful freedom of choice. For example:

I may say it's a good idea to wear a mask because it may to some degree reduce transmission of several diseases. You may say well i value my freedom more than that idea. In your idea of freedom it may be harmful to you or many others but you use your freedom to make that choice. In my idea of freedom the best possible outcome which is protection of many people on both sides including yourself to a degree is the best choice. Not just the choice of am i free to do this.

I look at the idea of the DAO the same way. That just creating more and more dao's don't necessarily solve any problems. if your dao doesn't allow for a great degree of equal representation then that's not a good dao. That's in my opinion not a solution based dao that needs to exist. I believe we could have millions of those type daos and they still amount to nothing. It's like replicating the economic and political systems we have all across the universe and every theoretically inhabitable planet using it and reaching the same outcome as what we have now. That would not make things any better. it would just make it more of the same. So i don't see the evidence of just creating endless dao's governance models as the solution. I understand the idea of experiment after experiment to see what works. however what i see particularly in crypto is they do experiment after experiment and they don't even really take the data into consideration. if they did they'd discard what doesn't work. I think often times it just goes back to the area again of less representation in teh communities being overlooked once again. Well that's just more of the same. That's not adaptive learning. I don't see that in the hive model at all that it's doing a great job of adaptive learning because to do that they'd have to address proof of brain which they continually skip over lol.

So in conclusion i'll go back to what i stated in the first paragraph. " effectiveness of a dao should lie in the level of democracy and distribution as well as representation", you can also swap out representation with participation. Why are these areas important? Well i don't think you can have any true sense of decentralization without it.. that's number 1.

Here's number 2:.. the old ideas of we're learning we're evolving no we're not. it's just point blank if those areas don't look good or satisfy the need of the community using that dao. It's just a bad dao point blank. It's no further conversation to it about one day we will. No one day you may be doing the same thing you doing now. Some say well it's improvement? is it? is it significant improvement? based on what? what are the numbers and in comparison to what?

I know when i read stats like 87% of the bitcoin network is owned by like 1% of the entire network. I come away with that as it's bad. Doesn't seem to be getting much better. that's just the reality of it. The altcoins are in most cases even worse or can overnite shift to numbers like that. So we need to stop the narrative of it's getting better.

It gets better when we designed that community and that system that addresses democracy, distribution and representation/participation. So your dao either does that or it doesn't. It's no we form a billion dao's and people fall through the cracks. we could also just recreate the environment that we have outside of crypto.

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