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RE: Creating A New Country Digitally

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yes i thought about something like that. Is this interesting micronation called sealand that comes to mind. They were once a series of abandoned forts in the sea created during ww2 outside international waters. I think each fort could house about 100 soldiers with big heavily artillery guns on top of them. I believe England tried to destroy all of them with the excpetion of the occupied one to keep this major from making his own nation from them but they fought back and was able to keep going and did alot of other things.

Today they mostly get paid by companies to store servers outside of international waters. They got their own currency i believe backed by silver. However i think they'd have been good candidates for establishing cryptocurrencies that could expand their global buying power worldwide which i think they would make one of the most interesting crypto projects in existence. So found all that interesting

Now to your statement about venezuela. The problem is most venezuelans here are frauds and fakes. i did quite a bit of research on this. in conducting a ubi project in essence it would be alot easier to just go into economic distressed lands give everyone ubi and they'd adopt your crypto. In theory that sounds good the problem is that how we sit around here going venezuela we can' save you just join us.

Well the people who join are the rich venezuelans and they are just seeking arbitrage against their own dollar lol. Do you really believe an economic distressed Venezuelan can sit around here and write posts all day no care in the world and live that way? No man lol.. No no.. what needs to happen for that to really work. The Venezuelans we really after trying to help who need to adopt crypto .. who need bank accounts because they unbanked.. Are the ones who lack the infrastructure to even use crypto properly. thats why the problem of why doesn't every poor downtrodden country just use crypto. that's why they can't use it.

The only fixable solution is get money from the west then go into these places and help them build up the infrastructure mostly with apps that can be used on smart devices because thats all they can mostly use like cheap smart devices so whatever crypto they use first needs to be well integrated into mobile use. It also needs to be distributed free some each month like a ubi. It' cant be like hive that won't work for them. You'll just get what you getting now a few Venezuelans don't even need the help lol.

The problem is the reason we don't know that and don't focus on that is because we too busy not worried about use cases and casinos and speculation that's why lol. When you focused on baloney you can't know important stuff.

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