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Well I want to get more into LN and I comment on many many posts, as a guild member I comment on all of the dreemport submissions not just the five when you submit a post, however commenting one peoples blogs all week long when they don't come and visit one of mine is not a good use of my time. So I have my list of TWENGers TwoWayENGgagers such as you for example, you engage with me on your posts and on my posts, so I will engage more with them and pick up LN, at least there I get mails etc to use when I do do a post. I will go back to my three strikes and you are out rule, if I engage three times and not recipricated then I won't anymore. That is a bit of a ramble, but it is the jist of it!

That's a good rule to have Ed. I also apply this rule in my day-to-day life with friends and family. A 1 sided relationship is not worth it! Thanks for all your engagement! It is appreciated πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

I also apply this rule in my day-to-day life with friends and family

ah yes I learnt the hard way, and have been doing that as well for many years now!
All about removing negativity from your life Steve.
Yes likewise you are an engaging superstar and I appreciate it:)