Web 2.0 Social media are Rented Spaces - We Own Nothing There

in LeoFinance23 days ago

Hellow friends, I've got a story to tell you that proves that web2 social media are rented spaces. This would inspire you to secure your space firm in the web3 world.

Your future on Web2 social media is not guaranteed - The Emeka Nobis Experience

I read a shocking and saddening story about a social media influencer I follow a few days ago and I remember a proverb "if the lion's skin cannot, the fox's shall". This proverb means that if a powerful or strong person faces difficulty, a weaker person will likely struggle even more. Emeka Nobis has built his social media influence on Facebook for over 14 years, accumulating over 134,000 followers and got verified. He's put all his eggs in this basket. He's never been active on Instagram, X, or LinkedIn.

To his bewilderment, he discovered that his verified account had been locked. The only reason he received for his locked account was that "his account might have been tampered with and it was locked to safeguard it and his audience." In his words:

On the 2nd of May I'd finished inspections at Golden Tulip Hotel where VIP Intensive 2024 will be taking place this year and headed back to my office. On getting into my office, I fished out my phone to make a few posts, to discover my verified account had been locked. The reason I saw was that my account might have been tampered with and it was locked to safeguard it and my audience. My verified account and pages attached are still invisible.
I’m still working to get in. While I won’t fully explain those I am working with it to get that done, I’ll bare my thoughts. I’m highly hopeful to get back the account.

One could imagine his emotions, anger, and frustration that all he's laboured for and the reputation he has built just got vanished into thin air. As I write this post, it's been 22 days already and the account has not been unlocked.

In his words "this could happen to anybody." His sore experience made him realize that there were many folks out there who were highly influential and whose accounts experienced lockouts or deactivation, and that made him accept his fate.

Oh Web2 Social media - rented spaces
The above true life story is a better definition of web2 social media as rented spaces. Since it is rented, users could be evicted someday, irrespective of how much you put in to build it. Yes, the users are the true marketers of these platforms and they give them meaning and exposure.

We are in the era where Web 2 social media platforms have become the digital town squares where people gather, connect, and share their lives. From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram to Snapchat, these platforms have revolutionized communication, enabling instant interaction on a global scale. However, beneath the veneer of connectivity lies a fundamental truth: on social media, we are tenants, not owners.

The illusion of ownership on web2 social media platforms is pervasive. We create profiles, upload content, and cultivate networks, all within the confines of these digital spaces. Yet, at any moment, our access can be restricted or revoked, our content removed, and our connections severed. In essence, we are leasing space on platforms owned and controlled by corporations, relinquishing ownership and control over our digital identities.

One of the most glaring manifestations of this lack of ownership is the arbitrary censorship and content moderation policies employed by social media companies. It has been argued that this is to maintain community standards and curb harmful behavior, however, these policies often result in the suppression of legitimate speech and the silencing of dissenting voices.

Moreover, the monetization of user data is the height of the commodification of our digital selves. We've been sold out by our data. Social media platforms profit from the information we willingly provide, leveraging our personal data to target advertisements and drive revenue. I'm yet to know how many users receive compensation in this transaction.

It is a different game on Web3 is different
I'm pretty new in the web3 space. barely a year old and a few months and trying to level my feet here, but the feel has been completely different. I cannot tell the intricacies and technical components of Hive social media, but I have seen the results without argument. My time, data, and even my muses are rewarded. See screenshots of my microblogs in the past two days.

Apart from the rewards, blockchain technology offers the promise of decentralized social media platforms where users retain ownership and control over their data. I joined Hive in January 2023, and after a few weeks of activity, I went AWOL. I returned again at the wake of this year and all my contents are intact. These platforms prioritize transparency, security, and user sovereignty, challenging the centralized model of traditional social media.

Web3 social media represents a paradigm shift from the centralized, corporate-controlled platforms of Web 2.0 to decentralized, user-centric networks built on blockchain technology. This transition brings several advantages that address many of the shortcomings of traditional social media.

Overall, Web3 social media represents a transformative evolution in the way we interact and communicate online. By prioritizing user ownership, transparency, and empowerment, these platforms offer a compelling alternative to the centralized models of Web 2.0, ushering in a new era of decentralized and user-centric social networking.

Do all you can to buy a space in the web3 environment. You'll lose nothing.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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That was insighgtful. Web2 socialmedia is truly rented spaces.No one shoudl go put a lot of effort to build on there, only to wake up to being disenfranchised.

Thank you for stopping by.