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RE: Thank You Sir, But The Honey Tastes Better Here. I'm Sticking With Hive...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Inspiring story Adrian!

As long as I can afford my frugal living with this thing, I'm sticking with Hive. It's paid better than any investment I ever had.

Me : As long as I can afford my frugal living with this thing, I'm sticking with Hive. I will make sure it will become the best decision investment decision I ever made.

I have been through lots of ups and down with crypto, steem and Hive in the last 4 years plus too. This experience alone more valuable and it has created strong foundation for next 5 years with Hive and crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Your Hive conviction is more than clear for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta