Have you seen the Live Splintershards Chat on Coinmarketcap.com ?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Like most crypto people, I too check prices of my favourite crypto daily. However these days I only check few times per day and aiming to check maximum once per day from next year. Let’s see how that goes.

So when I was checking prices of my favourite cryptos with coinmarketcap.com today, I came across this new feature (I believe it’s new, please correct me if I’m wrong.) Live Splintershards Chat with coinmarket.com website.


I then immediately went to see if coinmarketcap.com had similar feature for Hive but I couldn’t find one.

Also I believe it’s a good time to buy more $SPS and HODL.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Its nice to see chat in coinmarketcap.yes buying sps and hodl is good thing.
The other good thing is sps airdrop is going on for 365 days.one can get sps tokens freely by holding other tokens like dec,cards etc in splinterlands game.
For staking sps tokens apr is 39.62%
Thank you.


For staking sps tokens apr is 39.62%

Nowadays that percentage is slowly and constantly going down. It was above 40% a few days ago. Currently it is 39.50%. And it was above 100% a few months ago.


Yes you are correct it goes to zero too.but no token is giving that much APR the sps price will increase.

A live chat, wow, I had no idea :) Good job the Splinterland team! Would be really cool to have this for Hive too.

Btw I like your goal of allowing yourself to check out the prices just once every day, I would love to "achieve" this too but I doubt I will make it :D :/ I think I do that like every 10 minutes :D :/ Anyway, Happy New Year man!

I think I do that like every 10 minutes

It's an unhealthy habit unless you're trading. I'm sure you can make a healthy new habit with your new year revolution.

Happy New Year!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I do trade sometimes but it´s still unhealthy for sure, as you said ;) I am gonna work on it.

I just checked it out now, I am unaware of this as I mostly use Coingecko. Great having SPS chat on CMC, with the utility and more plans around SPS all I see is appreciation in value in no distance time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Imagine the price action when $SPS get listed with Binance!

HODLing and Buying the dip

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's too bad it only exists for SPS and not for HIVE. SPS has definitely taken a hit but it was to be expected with the prices for everything dropping.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe you have to pay or request coinmarketcap.com to activate live chat

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's really cool to know that there is a live chat for that section now. I'm sure many don't even realize there is a chatroom function in peakd. I noticed that and was pretty amazed. I actually bought in just as prices tanked, but I'll be waiting to see what happens as I dollar cost average into sps and a few tribes here on hive.

many don't even realize there is a chatroom function in peakD

I know this and used it few times.

actually bought in just as prices tanked

Buying the dip and dollar-cost averaging is one of the best strategies for long term investors.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I'm actually quite shocked I don't see people using the group chat function on peakd as a tool to build community or for giveaways

Yeah too bad I lost a bit over half of my investment so far not counting matics raise in price so over half... but I know it is just bad timing on my part and am thinking of reentry strategy. I may just go the spt route as 4x does count for 1 point for sps count.

Now, the price of this coin is really very low and the users of this game are much more and the price of SPS coin is much less. Now is the time to buy and hold it

If you notice, you will see the name of this game in the list of the best play to earn games right now. This game has become a very popular game nowadays. I love playing this game right now and I post about this game every day. I spend a lot of time in this game during the day. I have a lot of ideas about this game now.

I would tell everyone to buy SPS tokens according to their ability and I am sure BINANCE list this coin very soon

I spend a lot of time in this game during the day. I have a lot of ideas about this game now.

Happy to hear :)

$SPS have huge potential!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



I am the same way. I try not to focus on the value of the tokens because I am not investing for today but investing for 5 years from today.
The only time I concern myself with token price is when I want to trade a token, then I try to get the best price for the day, but that is the only time and it is usually something like trading Bee for WorkerBee.

investing for 5 years from today

Long term thinking is key with crypto investment

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have around 900 SPS, not that high but still. Would definitely be buying more and Staking

It's good to have a chat, but the price estimation is also a good feature what should be mentioned :)
About the SPS price, i hope this is the entry point.

I strongly feel it's good price to buy $SPS when I'm planning to HODL for 2-5 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to have it for sps but hope to have it soon for hive as well.

Now is a good time to join Splintershards.
Have a !PIZZA

Will I see it on PancakeSwap?
So I can get some of it too!!! Thanks..

Yes, SPS listed on pancakeswap


screenshot from coinmarketcap

Alright thanks so much

$SPS is available to trade with PancakeSwap but I'm not sure about Live Splintershards Chat on there..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh alright thanks so much for the feedback I appreciate 🙏🏿

You guys are making me feel at home here on hive I really can't thank you enough

That's when you know that it has hit the mainstream!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It’s nice to see that you plan on hodling, because most times it’s the best.

HODL is the best strategy for many people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah! It is

Good to see sps doing well. Perhaps the advice will best be buying when sps is in red to hodl

I feel $SPS is so much undervalued when compared with $AXS

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When in doubt hodl!

Lol, cool saying!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol it's a derivative of my other favourite saying, when in doubt mumble!

it’s a good time to buy more $SPS and HODL.

I think too this is the best time to buy those.

That's a really good one with the chat feature. Guess it's time to load up of few SPS


Buy the SPS dip and we might see an instant pump when Binance list SPS

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow this is awesome


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Dear @nathanmars,

The current HiveBuzz proposal will expire in a few days.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency,

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or using HiveSigner.

Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!

thanks for following me on here hive bro.
I used to check the crypto price everyday but it seems too easy to sell when you found that market is too volatility no matter it's going up or down. So I have changed my strategy not checking the price too often now, and I could have chance to gain more in a surge

Long term thinking with crypto is super important in crypto.

Calm mind makes the best decisions

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta