Introduction to LeoSpeak Community

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

The idea is under construction, However I can share what is the intention of creating LeoSpeak community.

  1. Without true believers we can’t build HIVE network and we will create more and more people to become true believers of HIVE.

  2. Without killer HIVE DApps, HIVE will not grow. We’ll together help LeoFinance and 3Speak to grow.

  3. Without new investors/collaboration can’t HIVE compete with others. We’ll focus on bringing much needed new investors to HIVE who can make significant improvements.

Basically the plan for December is to get 100 people who I can call commuted long term HIVE players.

I’ll be in touch with True believers of HIVE soon and you will become the first 100 people of LeoSpeak.

▶️ 3Speak


I like the idea if Leo speak 🗣 I would love to see more crypto shows and crypto YouTubers leveraging hIve and both 3peak and leo I think it’s perfect for all those kinds of discussions W which seems to be fragmented across Twitter, Reddit and YouTube

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Flashback to 2018, except that Steem is now Hive and DTube is now 3Speak and Leo steals everything else the show. Good to have you back!

Personally, I am more of the silent curator and investor type of guys these days. But I love to see your enthusiasm building again. Maybe you can even lit my own fire with your initiative once more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Happy to see your comments bro!

I am more of the silent curator and investor type of guys these days.

Together we rise!

You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough.

100X return on HIVE with next 5 year and let's make it happen

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The constant work and the focus on a single objective, bring more consumers of content and of course more creators.

I am working on something focused on consuming more content, of course content that each of the users really like and leave our support.

I think that a large% of those who come want to be content creators, but when they see that they are not successful they give up and leave the platform.

But they forget that as consumers, they have the opportunity to also earn something.

In my next video I will talk about that topic, I am balancing the ideas to make a good video.

I think that a large% of those who come want to be content creators, but when they see that they are not successful they give up and leave the platform.

Not many really understand what peer to peer decentralised network really means. HIVE is not a platform. HIVE only have owners not users.

Just saw one of your video ? Is this new video will be in English ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, of course, we are owners.

What I mean is that we can take advantage of everything that the platform offers us, it is necessary to be only a content creator. We can also be consumers of that content.

Yes of course yes, all the videos that you upload will be subtitled in English.

I don't upload content very often, since first I want to navigate the platform and see everything it can offer me and what I can offer everyone.

What I mean is that we can take advantage of everything that the platform offers us, it is necessary to be only a content creator. We can also be consumers of that content.

100 %

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Okay, I am a positive thinker and believe that this idea is brilliant to start with in order to achieve the planned targets, to reach more audience and bring more users to the chain.

I am not saying that the the rest of the dapps are not doing well but it is true when you try to get business, when you try to attract the investors, you present them with your best products, and what could be the better combination than Leofinance and 3Speak on HIVE in this regard.

I am not much into video making and a little bit lazy in writing as well but, no doubt, in love with Hive blockahin for many reasons, so I am here to offer my services for the chain in whatever manner I could be able to participate.

Let's try to reach to new heights.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for encouraging words.

Being a member of LeoSpeak won't include rules.

I'll make video request via Twitter to ask your permission to be part LeoSPeak soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I get it. You're building a team of dedicated Hive owners. But you're still figuring out what the team will achieve together.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're building a team of dedicated Hive owners

Starting is the difficult and Now no one can stop me!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don't slow down!

Great idea. looking forward to checking it out. My 3 favourite aspects of Hive nicely coming together. I Would also love more Podcast content regarding HIVE. I think it would be a great format to look into.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now I've started, No one can stop me!!

I Would also love more Podcast content regarding HIVE.

We need get someone to be HIVE dedicated podcast/interviewer. We need a Joe rogan of HIVE. I think it should be someone from 3Speak team because It's a win win for their dApp. I saw TheyCallmeDan doing some collaborations lately :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I particularly love th concept, using 3speak and Leofinance at the same time, promoting a great dapp while also using one of the best tribe project on hive.
I'm hoping we eventually come up with beautiful ideas to put this in motion. I already like your concept. I can't wait

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's get this started boy!!

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I can't wait, let me know how it goes. I have three weeks exams after that I'm free to fully come in

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good luck bro

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Count me in and as I have been around from 2017 and didn't ever powered down (just when moving from Steem to Hive), blogging and staking all is a movement that I simply like and do recurrently. I've even run a witness for a short time trying to support the community but couldn't keep it steady.

Nevertheless great initiative!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's do this :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The idea is under construction, However I can share what is the intention of creating LeoSpeak community.

see One day Leo hive his Own BLOCKCHAIN

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

$LEO winning means $HIVE win too.

$Speak winning means H$IVE win too.

It's a positive sum game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welldone its amazing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

pretty good idea! we need a team of full believers that will spread the word out there! especially now that we got so many tribes in here! we need to uplift them

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

we need a team of full believers

That's what we're gonna build!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You need to recruit taskmaster as he is creating a lot of video content that he posts to LeoFinance and 3Speak.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He is already on it!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I certainly am playing the long game on Hive (and Leofinance for that matter). I won't power down any Hive or LEO during this whole bull run - there's a lot more to come down the road!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Happy to be reading this brother!

Please let me know your Twitter handle and I'll need to make a video request to ask your permission to part of our LeoSpeak community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's @Khazrakh - couldn't force myself yet to really use Twitter although I know I should...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes please. Just gave you a follow and I'll make a video request asking your permission to be part of LeoSpeak via Twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Alright, I'm convinced. Will start to at least tweet about my articles and see if I can get some engagement going!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's do this Boy!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would very much like to become a true believer of hive
And I believe in leofinance and it's future so please let me know when you create this community so please mention my username so I can get in the community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much!

Please let me know your Twitter handle, So I can personally ask your permission to be part of LeoSpeak Community via a video on Twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi Nathan, I'm interested! Please let me know how I can help you.

Thank you!

I will be in touch via Twitter soon :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking forward to it. #HiveISAlive ...

Everything that is done in that community should be "copied" in many other communities (with their due adaptations, of course).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100 %

My idea is to build 100 People community first then incentive them to get 10X growth!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

this a church or what?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm gonna build and lead a community of True believers of HIVE who're contributing to 3Speak and LeoFinance success with 2025 vision.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting and wow boy - you became even more active as before - i admire your energy and the positive vibes!

Thank you so much!!

Namaste🙏 @nathanmars, I believe in #HIVE

$10 HIVE before 2025 is the vision.

Let's do this boy :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leo speak is great concept and I loved it. Excited for this.

Can't wait to get this started !!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@nathanmars, thanks for your initiative! I will be making more content for 3Speak, and am interested in your project:

Let's do this!

Count me in!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you bro!

Are you still active on Twitter ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am. Don’t have many followers and obverse never used 3speak. I’m excited to learn and build!

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