How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

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Special thank you to all the people who are creating crypto content with or using #LeoFinance or #Leo hashtags. Thank you @friendlymoose for daily Leofinance stats

Like how Crypto Twitter brings all the crypto communities together into one place, LeoFinace can bring all the Hive communities into one place.

More importantly, LeoFinace and 3Speak combined can the potential to bring all the hive tribes in one place.

Whether you're writing travel content hive or gaming content on Hive, you need to keep improving your financial IQ and EQ.

Question of the day

How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?

My answer I can only say what can do personally and ask my hive peers to help our common goal. I will continue to create at least one content with LeoFinance while continuing curating LeoFinance content and increasing my engagement with our LeoFinance peers. I'm always looking for an opportunity to empower good content creators and empowering great contributors and continue to think outside the box.

Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 19.40.04.png

I would love to hear your answers and thoughts regarding this question.

Bonus read :

The best relationships are peer relationships.

When given power over others, our ego justifies it by assuming we are smarter.

Better to have people work with us than for us.

Better motivated on the wrong thing than unmotivated on the right thing.

Debate rather than dictate.

▶️ 3Speak


I post twice a day, but I wouldn't focus that much now on creating more blog type content. My take is that we should revive commenting and consuming content. I personally can't wait for project blank. It's quite a task to digest that many blog posts. By the way, I have created a tag, namely #askleo, if you want to use it for this type of posts like yours here.

I will try to post twice a day as well and keep the contents as short as possible.

I personally can't wait for the project blank. It's quite a task to digest that many blog posts.

Creating short and medium posts can prepare us for project blank.

Thank you so much for creating the #AskLeo initiative and I have been using it every single day for the last 4 weeks. AskLeo is a great way to keep our community engaged.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the purpose I created this initiative, to open topics of discussion. Usually people don't interact that much on posts that don't have a question mark in the title.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Usually people don't interact that much on posts that don't have a question mark in the title.

The question mark is an invitation for engagement for sure. Sometimes I'm asking myself is it healthy to do #AskLeo content every single day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great points and for me, the key is to diversify the topics and give maybe to users some directions that can try out. For example, I feel we have too few posts on stocks. We are a financial community above crypto so we can tap into such a diverse domain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you're correct about this. Although a growing number of posts is good, quality goes above quantity.
I've made some statistics posts in the past where I showed word clouds of the most frequently used words in the topics of Leofinance and it was almost every week the same; There were a lot of posts about Bitcoin and also about Leofinance itself.

Maybe I will create another one of these word cloud posts again to see if it differs from back then.

In Leofinance I'm more a consumer. I'm not enough into the finance business to create quality content.
I'll keep it with my photography posts (elsewhere) and my stats ;)

Thanks for mentioning me @nathanmars

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I'm grateful for your stats.

Glad to see you're keeping your photography posts separate.

There were a lot of posts about Bitcoin and also about Leofinance itself.

I could observe this for sure.

What I would like to see is weekly/monthly stats for leofinance posts and comments so that we can see the direction of growth. Definitely, more data points can help us to see the wider picture.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is what I was looking for :)

Thank you so much!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

  1. diversify the topics
  2. give maybe to users some directions that can try out

Both are very good points.

Setting a small achievable target definitely will motivate our Hive community to come together.

I'm sure people like taskmaster will jump in and set some direction for new people to try out leofinance

feel we have too few posts on stocks
My personal view is that Crypto is the new finance.

4Chan's finance section 99% crypto

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thats true, that's why I write mainly about the Stocks, Mutual Funds and personal finance. I am not saying it's good, but again most of the people do want to read about crypto only to find out the next big thing.

I think the more the value of the price of Leo, we will inorganically see more rise in the posting of people as well. However by commenting also, once is also improving engagement within the system I guess.

@tipu curate

More than the price I guess new users might not know about so many other tokens on Hive 9r might be very few new users write about finance.

we will inorganically see more rise in the posting of people as well.

This is very important to remember. What we want is sustainable growth and people like you and me will play our roles to make sure the growth is healthy. And I'm sure our experience with #Seven77 challenge thought us valuable lessons regarding demanding inorganic growth.

#AskLeo initiative by @acesontop and frequent $leo giveaway by @katerinaramm can lead other people in our community to come up with really awesome ideas too.

One step at a time, we can move forward slowly and focus on sustainable growth of LeoFinance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a good news that LeoFinace and 3Speak combined can the potential to bring all the hive tribes in one place. As a result, many vloggers will be able to join . I think,The number of posts can be increased by encouraging all our Hivean friends to write content and increasing the engagement with everyone.

Let's keep inviting our Hive friends to create leofinance blogs and leofinance vlogs with 3Speak.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes! I will invite my friends.

Thank you so much!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are the numbers for posts made in LeoFinance or just the tags?

As for getting more people, I think it would probably require more users. In a way, we need more users who see the benefit of blogging here or even commenting.

I can say that as a consumer, I never really thought I would see myself blogging about anything before HIVE. So in a way, people just need to understand that they don't need to be a great writer. They might just require the push to start and they can get better over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are the numbers for posts made in LeoFinance or just the tags?

All the posts that appear on and when you use specific tags (#Leo or #LeoFinance) for crypto and finance content they will appear on and count as LeoFinance blog. So my question was how we can make sure on average that we have more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day.

people just need to understand that they don't need to be a great writer. They might just require the push to start and they can get better over time.

Writing about crypto and sharing (ie teaching) is the best way to learn crypto. We can make LeoFinance become the best place to learn crypto in peer to peer way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot dont post through the Leofinance front end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LeoFinance mobile app is helping us to change this.

I'm going to create an additional account nathanmars.leo and make many others do the same.

Every little action from our Hive community can help us reach 500 LeoFinance blogs sooner :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I became a member of HIVE because of Splinterlands, and started to use peakd as my frontend. Within the first month i did not even realised its a frontend, i thought thats the whole social part of the blockchain. After a while my knowledge started to grow about this whole ecosystem, but still this knowledge is not complete yet. Here you try to encourage ppl to use Leo or atleast use the tags. So i would like to ask two questions:

  1. Does it even matter which frontend i use, or just the tags i put to a post matters?
  2. Could you tell me a reason to use Leo over Peakd as my frontend?

Thanks for asking questions and I'm happy to help.

are the front end that gives access to the entire hive blockchain and you don't get any additional tokens for posting with these frontends. However, when you create a certain kind of content using one of the above and use specific tags you will get rewarded with additional tokens which can be traded on

You can post crypto and finance-related content with and earn $LEO tokens. Or You can post crypto and finance-related content with with #Leo or #LeoFinance hashtags and it will get automatically published on let you earn $SPS let you earn $POB

I'm sure you will continue to explore Hive ecosystem more as you spend more time here with our community.

What is the Hive Blockchain? An Introduction

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah its a continuous exploration here on the chain. Day to day there is something new to get to know :)

Thank you for your detailed answer!

I believe being an active user on the Leofinance will surely do

Let's do this :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also want to post on this leo site but I don't really know much about cryptocurrency. I can't post right here. I also want to post blogs. I can post blogs

people just need to understand that they don't need to be a great writer. They might just require the push to start and they can get better over time. - @jfang003

We can write little every day about crypto
We can write what we learn every day about crypto
We can ask crypto questions sometimes
We can use Crypto Twitter and crypto Youtube channels as a source to get ideas to write with

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really awesome tips you shared I made a post today according to this and I gave it to leo finance and overall I got a good support. I will try to understand as much as I can

Brother can you check my Leo finance blog??

I will make sure I keep on checking your Leofinance blogs whenver possible.

Just keep creating and engaging and learning

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok thank you my dear brother

The problem I see in one person creating many content is that the content tends to have one narrative. Crypto Ywitter is vast because it has a vast user base. Let's say if we get 500 people post 1 blog about finance per day that means 500 blog per day and that is not huge task to be honest.

500 blog per day on is an achievable short-term target for sure.

I personally use small wins to build momentum.

When everyone in our hive community moves forward collectively or individually, then success takes care of itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta