social capital

in LeoFinance10 months ago

The importance of an excellent 'Social Capital' cannot be gainsaid. By Social Capital, I mean Persons of Means or Influence who can string the Guitar for the fat lady to sing or persons who can open the door when push comes to shove (Neydu, 2016). It could also be persons who can add value intellectually or persons who better our lot without wanting us to bow and scrape.

My Life's story has been a textbook illustration of one who has had his own fair share of being nudged on via Social Capital. Without trying to sound immodest, I have been a "Social Climber" for most part of my Life and it has helped immensely, the happenings in my life in the last quarter of this year lends credence to this assertion. Just like Alexander the Great of Antiquity, I encountered Gordian Knots but they were untied principally due to God's unending Favour upon me through the instrumentality of "Social Capital."


It is pertinent however to state that to build Social Capital, these four Indices are key:

  1. Mental Content: You cannot attract People of Substance if you have nothing to offer. People want Value and if all you do on Social Network is idle chatter or Picture Uploads, be certain that you will only attract your Kind.

  2. An Amiable Personality: You've gotta be likeable to be liked. You must have this Charm that Attracts, this Personality that Allures & this Spirit that Endears. Introverts suffer a lot in this regard because their Nature is withdrawn and their opportunities to build Networks are bypassed.

  3. Self Confidence: You can't be timid and expect opportunities to come knock at your door. Many a People have seen their Dream Celebrity or stuffs like that but for the fear of rejection missed out on an opportunity to start up a convo and build a lasting Friendship. Plenty of Self Confidence is needed to build Social Capital. Oomph like some would say

  4. The Element of the Divine: We can never factor out God as terrestrial Beings. The Bible says instructively, ' He will show Mercy whom he chooses to show Mercy on.' Why would he choose to be more favourable to some than others? This is no Philosophy post or an Apologetics Session, at the right time, we can attempt an answer.

2023 has been rewarding for I and my Family and I thank God. By the way, I have three Families now! In recasting 2023, I am really tempted to namedrop! Certain Special Persons stood Sure for Me at Unsure times! & remain embossed in the innermost recesses of my Heart. However, there could be a danger in namedropping- the thinking of the persons omitted that they are Unappreciated. Hence I am constrained Not to namedrop.

Conclusively, I have been teased by a few friends that because I have gotten hitched, I will abandon the social media Platform but NO! To be Married is not to be marred!

Hence, I will keep thinking, keep recreating myself and keep building Social Capital!

Thank you
I am the one in the picture above.


You cannot attract people of substance if you have nothing to offer📌
nice and informative post.

Exactly, one has to create value to attract people of substance. Thanks for this intelligent comment

You're welcome