Newdex Introduces The“Swap” Function

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


Newdex is the first and largest multi-asset Decentralised Exchange(DEx) platform that provides
seamless asset trading and exchange to its users. Newdex is based on the EOS ecology, this
innovation features security, transparency and speed, leading the industry into a wonderful new era
of decentralized trading.

What is Decentralised Exchange?

Decentralized exchange is a crypto asset exchange market that does not depend on a third-party
service to hold the customer's funds. Instead, trades occur directly between users(peer-to-peer)
through an automated process. The most obvious benefit to using a decentralized exchange over a
centralized one is the security it provides, another benefit lies in the privacy it provides, users are not
required to disclose their personal details to anyone, except if the exchange method involves bank
transfers,in which case your identity is revealed only to the person that is selling or buying from you.
The hosting used in Decentralised exchange also is distributed through out the nodes involved ￾meaning that there is no risk of server downtime.

About Newdex's Swap function
The innovative Newdexswap is a Decentralized Exchange that implements the market maker model
of constant product on the EOS chain and provides a platform where users can seamlessly swap
EOS coins on the EOS chain.Newdex Swap is unique such that In Newdex Swap, you are trading
automatically and directly with the pool.It is easier and faster, this is unlike traditional DEx.In
traditional DEx, an order book model is in use, it needs buyers and sellers to make a trade
successfully push through and it is a peer to peer trading.
Steps in using Newdex Cross-chain Deposit and Withdrawal function
You can access the Newdex Swap function on the Newdex platform in a few clicks after logging on
to the Newdex platform.

Step1» From Newdex homepage, find and select the"Swap"function.
Step2» If you want to trade quickly, please select"Swap"; you can enter the payment coin amount or
enter the received coin amount based on the current price and click"Swap"to trade.
Step3» If you want to be a market maker:

●Assets deposit operation: Please select the trading pair assets that you want to deposit first and
then deposit the assets according to the proportion of the liquidity pool to get the corresponding
certificate amount.

●Assets withdrawal operation: Please select the trading pair assets that you want to withdraw
first and then enter the certificate amount to withdraw the corresponding proportion of assets, including the swap transaction fees of the assets.

Newdex is set to introduce a new era of decentralized trading to the world. Kindly follow our Hive blog to get latest informations about Newdex. Newdex currently has an African community called NewdexAfrica focused at educating Africans about the Newdex trading platform, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology.

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