Blockchain as the basis of future smart cities.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


The whole world is getting smarter.

Not realistically speaking as from dealing with people on a daily basis I am fairly sure that they are actually getting dumber but that is a different set of posts.

This one is about technological advancements and the integration of technology and specifically blockchain into our everyday lives. The switch has been so seamless and so rapid that in just 15 years we have gone from getting smartphones to needing them to survive. That is a rapid pace of adaption by any stretch of the imagination.

We can see how this has sped up other developments and for everybody in the area it is obvious that we will have a lot more integration over the next 15 years as well. Cloud computing, machine learning and blockchain are going to slip into our everyday processes without us even realizing it.

In some cases it already has.

The world is changing at an exponential rate, driven by advancing technology. Smart cities are moving from a theoretical project towards a real life prospect.

Soon most cities will pride themselves on being smart cities. “Nasulea, C. (2018).”

I was reading a case study by the above figure in a journal for technological studies and it looks at various ways in which blockchain technology can be used to underpin the development of smart cities and ways in which we can improve on legacy systems to push these changes forwards.

While blockchain was perceived as a way to track Bitcoin, it has now been developed on to the point that it can be used across a host of industries. This combined with other technologies like the internet of things, AI and cloud computing has led to many more projects linking digital to real life.

The case study looks into the various fields where they believe that blockchain can be used to create “smart” processes linked to a distributed ledger or blockchain.

Potential applications discussed are:

  • Smart contracts.
    o Moving all contracts to the blockchain for verification and transparency.
  • Smart Assets.
    o Recording and tracking of all assets for sale, tracking, ownership.
  • Digital Identity.
    o Can be used to link ownership, transactions, purchases, assets and contracts.
  • Voting.
    o This will be linked to your digital identity allowing you to vote privately and securely without being identified but instead verified.

They could have broadened their reach by researching areas such as healthcare, smart homes, banking and other processes that already exist.

This would then lead to research that delves into data, analytics, social effects, economic effects and the network effect on society and government.

We are heading in this direction and blockchain will be a big part of it for recording all of these processes in a secure and decentralized way. It's a matter of when and not if.

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Blockchain can be used for quite a few things. However I am wondering just how many of these chains can scale. For some reason, anything with a decent amount of fees just makes it hard to scale because it would drive prices up. So in this case fees would also go up (USD-wise).

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The use for blockchain is much bigger than just cryptocurrency. We will see how it integrates into cities. There is a lot of work to do there but it has the potential to change the entire structure.

I am always curious if it will start with existing cities or new developments.

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Blockchain and smart cities are a nice opinion.
Positiv - easy to mange everything with your phone and it's safe like on a Blockchain.
Negative - Everyone is visible and will be tracked

ive been looking forward to digital voting since I was a kid, I think it can empower people a lot!

Using blockchain for voting is a little bit risky, because many election should be a secret. If everyone can see how I voted that can be used against me.
Good use case will be using blockchain for reporting hazards on the roads, broken lights etc.

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