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RE: Practicing "Safe Crypto" With A Triple Wrapped Ledger Nano

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Bought the ledger last year. With my dollar cost on I move the balance over at the end of the month for safety. It's small money for now but keeps adding up over time and if bitcoin keeps rising for the next few years it could be a significant amount and good to have safe storage.

Now just to hide it from the girlfriend to be doubly safe.

Posted using Dapplr


Yeah that's pretty much what I do with the DCA, straight off and away to the Ledger black hole of HODL haha. I'm starting to look into Celsius a bit more as a means to earn interest on my BTC so may add to that once I hit my target of BTC in safe keeping.

Lol hope you have a good hiding hole! Can't have that digital gold let loose!