Comments or posts?

in LeoFinancelast year

Which one has more value.

I saw a post on twitter yesterday from a highly followed crypto account.

I know, I still browse those evil web2 sites. Well i'm still waiting for khal to build an app to smoke them all. Until then it's mix and match. Sometimes it's nice just to browse the small stuff on your phone and not have to think too much.

I can't remember which account as i don't follow them but they had a fair point.

They said that unless you're commenting underneath the posts of accounts larger than yourself then your playing twitter on hard mode.

They have a point. They said that the engagement and visibility that you can get on those tweets is far stronger than you could ever get from your own follower list.

I've often said the same about hive blogs.


I'm lucky enough to have worked my way up to decent following and have the notice of a few larger accounts. This can make it a lot more profitable to write posts than comments. My comments might earn a few cents here and there but my posts can make between $5 and $40 most days.

That makes it a lot more profitable to write posts every day and ignore comments.

Or does it?

If i never commented on others posts then why should they comment on mine?

If I had never commented on others posts then I would never have worked my way into this position in the first place.

My first year on the chain I made so many mistakes that made my life harder and slowed down my progress which didn't need to happen.

I turned up on day one and started trying to produce quality content. I was going to get noticed, hit trending and start earning those hundred dollar rewards that i could see on the trending page of the site.

My first 50 posts. I'm guessing that they earned about $5 - $10 total. At best.
Back then, just getting a 10c upvote seemed like a massive win. And that was for months and months.

You don't tend to earn hive until you have hive.

Strange but true. That initial grind was the biggest hurdle that i have faced on here and most users never made it out the other side.

Very few of the accounts that started at the same time as me are still here now and a lot of the ones that joined before me quit as well.

Their posts weren't earning enough money and they said it wasn't worth the time and effort.

Luckily we have come a long way since that single, solitary blogging site and have hundreds of ways to build your stake now.

I make much more form splinterlands than i ever could from writing. But i wouldn't have as many splinterlands assets if i hadn't built enough hive stake to buy into the game. I wouldn't have built that stake if i didn't spend six months failing upwards one post at a time.

After a lot of effort and very little notice i tried it differently. Back then there was the redfish league and engagement leagues which had prizes for engaging.

That is why the new leothreads site could be such a game changer as you will be able to start earning those 10c votes straight away.

If all of the hive acocunts are browsing the feed and giving out hundreds of small votes rather than 100% votes on auto it will distribute the stake a lot more evenly than before.

You will still have the bigger accounts but it should be less restricted.

It turns out that you get back what you give out.


The more that i browsed the site and engaged on others posts. The more that they replied back to me and started giving me some follows. From there my content got more notice and more engagement.

After that my vote actually became worth something and that encouraged other smaller accounts to start engaging in the hope of votes.

The whole world is a big Ponzi scheme and the only way to win is to move up the levels.

The easiest way to move up the levels is to get a helping hand from those above you.

Posts are important but if there is nobody reading them then you are pissing into the wind.

It's better to ride the coattails a bit until you can stand on your own account and people know that you exist.

As taskmaster would say.

10 comments a day and you start to see the growth.

Do this every single day and i will guarantee that you will notice a change in your circumstances.

Write posts later when people are interested in knowing more about your opinions but until then just let them know that you exist.

Until then you have accounts like myself who give out 25c votes on real engagement with their content. A perfect place to start grinding up the levels.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


On my regular account I upvote people's comments because I try to encourage engagement. Knowing that someone actually bothers to read what I write instead automatically upvoting my content is quite satisfying. And some of the commenters often give interesting insight related to my work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, in general, posts. Because you can't have comments without them, right?
But depending on the context a comment might spark a productive discussion and add value to the post. Correcting wrong information or adding a unique perspective to the content. You need both to have the most value of course but again, without posts, you don't have comments, right?

I'm the perfect example of this. I've been here for 5 years now although I've only really been active for the last 2+. Up until this last December, I've almost been exclusively about commenting and voting. I would write the occasional post of my own, but far and away my most "profitable" avenue on Hive was through curation. I've always been about making 10 meaningful comments a day and then making sure my voting power never hits 100%. I decided to get more active on posting over the last couple months with the goal of getting the "Monthly Author" badge. While my posts do get me a decent return, I'm still getting almost as much through my curation.

Like I said, I spent most of the last two years just engaging rather than writing and it has helped build me to where I am now. I've earned about 3 times as much through curation as through writing articles, and it's a lot easier.

If you want to get noticed, spend the time adding to the conversation on other peoples' posts. As you so rightly point out, you can write the best article in the world, but if nobody reads it or even knows it exists, what good is it?

Get on Threads and start engaging and get your name out there. The followers will come when people start seeing you're committed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can write lots of mediocre articles and because i have stake people will pretend to read them and comment.

If i was new it wouldn't matter how good the content is as nobody would care since there was nothing in it for them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe engaging with others on a social platform like Hive is important no matter the level the account has reached. But at least in the first year on the platform, this is the best way for someone to become known. A newcomer's posts will rarely be discovered by anyone, but the comments, if they are more than "great job/post" or something similar will slowly attract attention.

That's exactly it.
You need to build your social credit before you can cash it in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with your words; commenting is important and then it's nice to have interactions with others that create value and increase.

Votes are important and they are certainly pleasing, but I am much happier when my posts receive many comments and create an exchange of ideas and opinions.

Best way to make it happen is to go to lots of other peoples content and get your name out there with great engagement.

Over time it will lead to other people looking at yours too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. Hive never took off for me until I reached out and started engaging with others. It's hard to stand out and putting yourself out there for people is the best way to grow towards successful here on hive. I did at one point almost give up before I saw the same advice from taskmaster4450 and I gave it a try.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This gave me more motivation into spending more time in engaging to the community. I feel like I'm left behind with my way of thinking. Thanks to posts like this, it gave me a re-direction to my Hive journey.

The formula is simple.
Put in the work and it will pay off.
Stack it up and keep multiplying it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

10 comments a day and you start to see the growth.
Do this every single day and I will guarantee that you will notice a change in your circumstances.
Write posts later when people are interested in knowing more about your opinions but until then just let them know that you exist.

This is so true. I can not add any further.
Most people joining Hive will expect a very high earning quickly when they saw the post rewards of some "Hive influencer". But it's not the way.

It's the same on any social media.
People think that they can get rich quick but it takes time and effort to build up that instant success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is very true. Engagement is so important. A quality post seems useless of no one can or will read it. So it is really needed to read and comment others post and you will also have a chance to be noticed. Thanks for this reminder. As of now, I am still in the process of building of my account.

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