Conviction is stacking all the way down.

in LeoFinancelast month

Conviction pays off handsomely if the project is good.

If your backing a real project with a good team and good foundations then the red candles should mean nothing. Even better, red candles are your friend. It's opportunity to back your conviction and get better positioned for success.

My best investments in crypto are the ones that i've been in since the early days.

Hive, Splinterlands, Leo.

All of these have seen plenty of red patches but the difference is that i've never had to worry about losing my bags.

Not once in 7 years in the crypto game because all of these projects have good people behind them and a purpose for existing. That's more than can be said about 90% of other crypto projects.

All the hype is on Solana at the moment and i've been playing over there too. Made some money and lost some money finding my feet but after a few months of betting on the shitcoin markets i've moved everything into one memecoin. #USEDCAR.

Still a bet but an educated bet. Most of the tokens on solana are rugpulls waiting to happen but the team behind usedcar are visible and active. The content is nonstop and they have community members actively buying up 01 honda civics for the cause.

They are planning a cross Europe roadtrip this summer with pimped out civics to promote the cause. I like it and keep buying the dips even if other tokens have pumped massively in the meantime. You never know what's going to pump or what will rug so for me it's better to pick my bet and stick with it.

Greens are buys and red are sales.
There is a site on solana called texturefi where you can borrow against your token for 7 days for a small fee which has been brilliant on this token. Every time it takes a dive i can borrow against my #usedcar bag and as long as the price goes up again within 7 days i can sell whatever portion i need to payback the loan and keep the rest of the balance for my bag.

It's worked great so far and i've almost tripled my holdings this month by borrowing and selling at a profit. If the price doesn't come back up i can lose but it's price range has been very steady for a couple of months and timing the dips has been obvious enough.

The price might not have spiked up yet but my overall value has grown and if it goes up now will pay off handsomely.

Long term plays just like for hive, leo and splinterlands.

Building my value daily by making smart moves instead of chasing the latest trends. Very few people hit those big 10,000x plays and trying to do it normally costs you everything.

Keep stacking all the way down and it will pay off on the way up.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha