Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Last week, I wrote about the top priorities for digital transformation.
The most important part is the customer experience. Building for the end user and not for your own needs. That is a given for people to adapt to new technologies.

The second part of this is culture and leadership. Without people buying into the idea and vision of the product then you are fighting an uphill battle. The people building the product need to buy into the vision to implement it themselves. It doesn’t matter how good the product is if the people don’t want t use it.

F the people buy into the vision then it doesn’t have to be the best product out there as people will want to adopt it regardless. It becomes part of the company culture and gains a loyal following who will shill it to others and push its mass adoption.

Hive is always a great example of a blockchain with a culture and with a vision. We have developers who could be making more on other chains, have more tools and more interest in other areas but are loyal to the chain and to the culture that has been build. Our leadership is decentralized but it is created from 4-5 years of connecting with each other and sharing a common goal.

Now we have people like aggroed and theycallmedan, kalkaleezi plus so many others who are all building projects to enhance our mass adoption.
People like jongolson, stevec and brittandjosie who enhance and build our culture through their effort and individuals like lordbutterfly and hiro_hive that are efforts to spread our brand across the world.
All of this builds a culture and gives us a great platform to expand and be successful. To disrupt web2 apps and build a better system.
Other chains might have more but without the culture and leadership that we have build over our lifetime they are fighting an uphill battle as we have already bough in to here. They bring people in and convince them to get involved. We are already here and doing it daily to the next wave of leaders.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles darwin.

Survive and thrive.

To disrupt anything, you need to be around long enough to do it. The disruptive technology is the underdog in any fight. You can win a battle but big tech will win the war over time as they have all the money and resources. So like any good army, you cannot attack them head on as they will just turn their full forces against you.

A good rebellion takes place over time. It attacks from the side and builds up over time. You need to keep attacking the supporting infrastructure one piece at a time. Build you army one ally at a time until you are the stronger side. Then you can make a bigger approach.

We are in that phase at the moment. Building infrastructure, making partners, adding to our arsenal and over time will be ready for a bigger attack. For now it pays to sneak under the radar and build in the darkness. You don’t want a target on your back until you are ready to see it through.

So for now the key is survival and adaption. Keep moving, keep building and keep growing. Those are the projects that will survive long enough to disrupt the status quo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I definitely agree. Adaptation is needed to grow as technology improves. As long as we have something users want, they will naturally come over as time passes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That the key for sure boss. Ability to adapt and to be able to survive the hard times here. Building and growing continues

Great points. Especially that the idea of building with the end user in mind.

So much in the crypto world is not intuitive and is terribly documented if at all. Then if you can find the information you need, it's usually not written in an accessible way to the average user and is never clear enough to not cause arguments in the communities of who's assumptions are correct and whose concerns should be dismissed with venom.

I'm sure part of it is that the space just moves so fast that its hard to take a step back and explain what you just built or even know what you just built or how it should be used but its also just a gap between personality types of people who can build this stuff and the rest of us.

Hive is interesting because at its core it's social instead of being a technology with a coin and a telegram channel. I hope in time that brings Hive to the forefront.

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