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RE: (CRO) - Worth Buying?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Love my card. I've managed to stack a good few tokens with the 2% back over the past couple of years. Never had an issue with them and a great ecosystem.

I'll have to take a look at some of these pools as osmo isn't something that I've delved into yet. Looks to be profitable.


I'm amazed I haven't come across CRO already, glad it's working out for you!

OSMO has certainly been a good project to be involved with, seems to be taking some of that BSC market!

That's lovely, seems there's a lot more people involved than I thought. Might have to look at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I moved all my CRO except what is locked on the card to CRO-OSMO pool a while back. The APR is incomparable with what you get through any of the features of the apps.