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RE: Thoughts about Hive's future. There's still time...and hope.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

You're 100% right and it's time to make changes while we can.

Ad revenue.
Change curation rewards.
Change powerdown period.
Get rid of HBD. It does nothing.

We need to think in business terms which is why @leofinance is doing so well. They are adding useful features and bringing in revenue.


Who are we?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hopefully those who pull the strings will implement a fee changes during the next HF. We need to make this place as attractive as possible for investors

We need to put the pressure on and get change started. Nothing will happen without the community forcing it to as the witnesses are very comfortable as they are.

I want to see hive succeed and have pit through a proposal to try and show how much support there is for more business ideas.