What is your brand?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

On web3, your brand is your identity.


What image do you project to your audience.

What is your angle?

What are you selling?

Since your every transaction and action is saved immutably on the chain it is very much tied into your brand and identity on hive and even further afield.

Part of your brand is based on your promises for the future and part of it is based on your past actions.

Now, if you were a big corporation that has had some trouble in the past you can just rebrand slightly and pay a team of fancy lawyers to make it go away and a team of fancy PR executives to put a little spin on it before moving onto your next big public relations disaster.

Here we can't just cover it all up. You could move your stake to a new account and change persona but you would lose all of the benefits that you build up with your brand as well. The followers, supporters, reputation and history that goes with your account.

Personally, I like to pretend to be a bit simple but a grafter. Scrounging for a few votes and maybe earn a few nft's in some of these funny new games like that splinterlands thingy. It all above my head but i try hard to keep up with what's happening and the other here that are ahead of the pack. Harmless but interested. It's my brand and I'm sticking to it.

It can vary from account to account. My history is there for all to see and it's fairly respectable. No self votes in along long time, a large spread of votes for other accounts. Posting almost daily with a lot of engagement and participation in some hive related contests. My hive-engine account has a large spread of tokens and lots of market activity. I have put money into the system rather than just take it out with a little room to play the markets. Nothing crazy or nothing to hide away from. When i run for government in a few years, there will be nothing untoward to unsurface.

Never put it in writing, especially on an everlasting platform.

Rule number one for any aspiring public figure.

Does branding matter?

I think that it does.

It's how you present yourself to others and why other read, comment and hopefully vote for your account.

Brands are recognizable and familiar. We all know what a can of coke looks like from years of brand building and consistency.

We all know who taskmaster4450 is for the same reason.

Consistency over time and building a persona and a brand. A hive stalwart and guru.

A brand built the hard way over a long period of time but one that is familiar to the majority of us and carries a certain weight. A history of doing the right things, gives us a sense of familiarity and confidence when we read his content or see his ideas.

Branding matters.

Our account is our brand so therefore our actions matter. The are part of our brand as much as our words and ideals.

Some people will like it and some people won't.

All we can do is to be consistent and try to build a brand that we can live with. One that presents ourselves in the best possible manner and hope that it is well received.

I carry my brand across multiple platforms and it's great to see it recognized by different communities. It might be small but it is good to know that the name means something in certain circles. Hopefully for the right reasons but it is a reflection of myself and it's one that i am happy to show to the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It seems like a pretty solid brand from where I'm sitting, Niall. I !LUV that you mentioned not self-voting too. I've never done it, but I see a few people doing it and defending it.

My brand? Lately: inconsistency. But that will change. And I appreciate this conversation you're trying to spark. Cheers! I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavours. 🙏

Thanks for that. It's been over four years of learning at this stage and putting all the pieces together.

My brand? Lately: inconsistency. But that will change. And I appreciate this conversation you're trying to spark.

It's hard to change that but the only way that it will is by changing habits. Get building a better brand by turning up every day and doing something positive. It will make a huge difference over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're absolutely right, and I know it... it's on me. Progress can be tiny, but positive change grows exponentially. I appreciate the thoughtful response, @niallon11. Have a great week. 😊

I liked reading your article because I agree with many things you wrote, what we do here on Hive is immutable and consistency, coherence and interaction are important.
Like you I like to have the self vote = 0 and this is an element that here on Hive is important because it shows the tendency of an account to think first of itself than others but Hive is a great community and the self vote even if legitimate and possible clashes a bit with this concept.
@tipu curate

Thanks for stopping by and having a read of the article.

I liked reading your article because I agree with many things you wrote, what we do here on Hive is immutable and consistency, coherence and interaction are important.

Not everybody sees this but over time you get to realize what is most important to your brand. Growing as part of the community and sharing support will get you a lot further than just trying to help yourself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed your Name or brand is going to be huge on web3, We see that as you said on hive, It is what's great about a trustless system

It's especially prevalent here where the community is still small. We carry our username across so many different apps and games.

We all know the big names around here and that translates across the whole chain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah agreed, Wonder as hive grows and communities get their own BIG names if that will stay the same

I never really considered myself as a brand but I see myself being mentioned as a role model for commenting quite often. So I think I have built my own brand and its just something that happened over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are a brand and that is strengthened every time that you stop by a blog and leave one of those comments.

It's like putting up a billboard saying look at me and letting them know what you have on offer. Time and engagement for their content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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