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RE: From Zero To Leo Orca In 7 weeks

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yeah you've monstered it mate! You're not far from being a whale here? The amount needed for the levels has gone up substantially since I did the previous calculations a couple of weeks ago!

I'll probably still post as well and build a stake while I can then before competition for rewards gets too high!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I haven't checked the calculation since your post and I am just aiming for 8k, as my "whale" target, not too far off now, if all goes well I should hit that next month. I guess it's a never-ending chase to be a whale

Lol yeah can be forever chasing it so probably good just to say a certain number and then leave it at that! Nice way to end the year as a Leo whale

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta