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RE: Update On LEO & HIVE Power Needed Per "Rank" - March 2021 Update

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've only used the current circulating supply on the Hive-Engine for these calcs. As for CUB, I need to dive in to the numbers a bit more but yeah, that burn rate is immense! Poor CUBs getting incinerated lol!

So for this moment in time, here's a quick spreadsheet:



LOL nice one, at least I am an orca in the cub world so I don't feel too bad, keep burning. Once leobridge rolls out its going to be harder to move up the ranks

Lol, nice! I'll be happy if I can squeeze up in to the Orca ranks, just a few more CUBs to harvest then see how things go with the 1 CUB/block rate.