LEO is a blessing for the economy of people like us

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


Perhaps for those who live in countries whose economic development allows them to maintain a salary or generate income with a hard currency such as the US dollar, euro or pounds a token like LEO does not make a significant difference to their personal finances, however for the vast majority of the inhabitants of this world having access to a cryptocurrency like this probably represents a way to beat hunger.

I understand that at this time when the world economy seems to be heading towards an abyss that will somehow affect everyone's life, as a result of the uncertainty of the United States economy that affects the value of its currency, the dollar, the rest of the world's economies, especially the less favored countries, are collapsing in their influence to generate wealth in their territories of action that affect the deterioration of the quality of life of their citizens, while inflation is devouring everything in its path like a silent tsunami.

Practically these currencies lost all kind of value and evidently lost their power to generate economic welfare in their countries, of course, in view of this fact, the population lost all kind of confidence in their fiat currency, therefore using the dollar as a local currency is the easiest way to counteract the effects of inflation. But like all fiat currencies, the dollar is also suffering the rigors of its own dilemma: issue more worthless money or let the system collapse.

Evidently since the United States opted to issue money infinitely, causing the dollar to lose value to the same extent that decentralized cryptocurrencies are increasingly moving away from the dollar with bitcoin taking the lead as the quintessential value asset in the crypto world. So, in the face of such a dollar dilemma, what options do those who rely on highly inflationary local currencies, a declining dollar and an increasingly unreachable bitcoin for most mortals have: without a doubt LEO is the best option.

I will not say in which country I live, but in recent years it is suffering the rigors of the worst inflation in its history, forcing many of its citizens to try their fortune beyond the borders, taking on almost slave-like jobs but better paid than in their homeland of origin. For those who still remain in the country, riptomonedas became something more than a refuge to give value to the precariousness of finances and combat daily inflation, so LEO perfectly meets these conditions added to the fact that to obtain at least one it is not necessary to buy it, it is enough to produce original and quality content to earn this token, this is how the Proof-of-Brain (PoB) does its job.

At the moment 1 LEO is worth slightly more than 1 US$ and there is a glimpse of the possibility that our beloved token will continue to move further and further away from the American currency, which represents an opportunity for those who own or generate income in LEO to overcome the vicissitudes associated with the absence of a strong local currency and a declining dollar. For many ordinary people like any of us LEO means the difference between suffering many days of starvation or living peacefully without worrying about the general rise in prices.

Every day we read about the benefits of bitcoin, but for me LEO is the cryptocurrency that best fits my daily life at this time of economic difficulties. In these times when the pandemic prevents you from going out to the street to earn a living, generating income as an author has represented for me and my family an opportunity to overcome the onslaught of inflation and the loss of value of the dollar, boosting the possibility that the income generated by my publications not only serve to feed the stomachs of my home but also my dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.


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Ya I gain more profit on leofinance than hive
Best community ever

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I agree with you, my earnings in leofinance far exceed what I get in Hive, I think that the commitment of those who are part of this forum is much greater than those who assume only Hive Blog, which also represents a great opportunity to generate extra income using their creativity.

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Wow, the price action has been hot on Leo hot lately.
I could sure learn a lot more here than taking an Economics course in College.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I think it is always important, now more than ever, to analyze this LEO token in depth, since it is becoming a great investment option for those of us who believe in this project and for those who feel the need to put their money in something safe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta