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RE: The Ultimate Splinterlands FOMO Guide For New Players!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Very wise words, but I fear a lot of people won’t hear them (or don’t follow that excellent advice). I personally feel that it is a bit to early to sell, but will wait for caos-league beeing close enough. Whatsoever, these are very interesting times and Splinterlands may be the Killer-App that HIVE needs to step into the spotlight. Interesting times ahead...


Thanks, I'm slowly taking some profit on the many duplicate single cards I have in my collection. My mail leveled up cards I'm all keeping though. It's one of the reasons the prices have gone up so much because most players just have the cards they play with and the game is made in a way where literally every cards is useful in the right setup.

Hive should benefit tremendously from the success of Splinterlands as it's inevitable for many of the new players to discover it. I've been cost-averaging hive for these past crazy weeks and will continue to do so at least for as long that it stays below 0.5$. Certainly interesting times ahead.