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RE: @meowcurator LEO Curation Bot

This is the FIRST time I'm going to do something like this. And it's out of spite... LOL!

I'm just so fucking lost here, after nearly five years. All these tokens, all these tribes/communities. There's no possible way ONE human consumer will ever be able to support these projects ORGANICALLY. So instead people make their posts, and the consumers are robots that don't even look. Why even make this shit if it's not designed for people! LOL! So whatever. Have my fucking tokens. I can't use them anyway. All I want is one interface that gives me access to everything, easily...

I just want to look at stuff, and push a button...

Is that too much to ask?

Okay. That should be enough fake whining. Thanks for letting me know HE can do it. Probably been a month since the last time I was there.


yeah HE still has a tiny bit of functionality that LEO doesn't have.

I mainly use PeakD for what I'm doing here most days. Haven't even tried the LEO approach to the HE stuff.

I delegated the funds. Technically, LEO the finance magazine just lost a customer. A paying subscriber. Yet I still kept the benefits. I truly don't see how that's good for business. And I get laughed out of the room when I mention content being a product and actual interested paying consumers becoming the investors these tokens require to stay afloat. That disposable income is so powerful but I guess we're just not there yet.