Copying people doesn't work. Show me one successful copycat.
I've seen plenty of inexperienced members talk shit about the place. Just the other day I saw someone call everyone racist, because they couldn't login, but thought they were banned due to discrimination. The most ridiculous things. That's just an idiot though and there are plenty of those around, and not just here. In life. Then you have the brownnoser/bootlicker/ass kisser types. They are the ones who think one must kiss ass to get anywhere. They talk shit and say negative crap all the time. They're the ones who assume anyone who ever got anywhere here, or anywhere for that matter, kissed ass to get there. Around here, the workplace, anywhere on the planet, those types who knock others down for doing well; probably the most annoying people. Has it ever occurred to you some of these folks who do speak fondly of the place are not doing it to kiss ass or impress anyone; they truly enjoy it. I know there are some phonies out there out there as well. They're not fooling anyone and nobody likes it. They're fooling themselves and typically those are the types to fly off the handle at some point because their ass kissing doesn't seem to be 'working' so then they go deflect their frustrations on others, negatively, and hang out in small groups of likeminded individuals where all they do is talk shit. In life those types will be all loud and happy, cutting others down, but get really quiet the moment someone walks into the room; always looking over their shoulders.
As for being critical effectively, there's no need to take a positive of negative stance when doing so. Those who know how to offer constructive criticism will do it, regardless of bank account size. They're also not the types who feel small or big depending on labels that mean nothing other than superficial nonsense.
You take my point of view quite straightforwardly. I'm talking about copying the style of successful users by other users. And of course it does not bring results.
Exaggerated it looks like this: "This dude in the top is very positive, he cooks food very happily and writes every time how he loves this place. I will do the same." But it won't work, because as you correctly noticed, this positive dude in a top truly enjoy it. And the copycat is trying to figure out the" rules " of this place in order to make a profit. And I'm not calling on all of us that there should be more shit and negativity in this place. I say that there is enough fake positivity here. People try to be someone else to earn money. So it was, is and will be everywhere where there is money and there are people.
But the key point is that everything I wrote above does not really apply to this place. It doesn't matter how you present information, rudely, positively, literarily correctly or in ugly English like me. If you did not come here to figure out the "rules" and kiss ass, but to work conscientiously or just to have fun, then everything will be OK.
People create content void of personality. It's all in the delivery. Most folks don't know that but the ones who do, do really well, unless their personality sucks. Those people fail, then blame everyone else and the platform. So whatever. That can't really be fixed. People won't change. That ratio will never change.