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RE: A Fool to Lose

I've been away and will still most likely be gone for some time. Checking in from time to time though when I have a safe and solid connection.

Was shocked to see that specific fool you speak of still being incredibly foolish, this many weeks later. Been on the internet forever and seen a lot of toxic/psycho personalities but that dude makes those crazies appear decent. It's a bit alarming though. Hopefully it doesn't escalate to violence. Those crazies seem to follow the same patterns and that's usually where it leads if left alone. It's too bad he doesn't have actual friends or family to step in to help, and got himself mixed up in that Blurt cult. Maybe in his mind he sees you suffering so therefore finds joy in that (easy to detect the NPD in that one), but I personally don't enjoy seeing people actually suffering, like he is, while others take advantage of him for their own personal gain.

I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's just a head injury. Slipped on a rock taking a selfie and woke up fucked. Who knows...

Looking deeper I see he's harassing folks over on the Hive Fest post and due to recent behavior, it sounds threatening. Anyone planning on attending should pay close attention to that; be on their guard. Event coordinators should look into security as well. Dude looks like a pushover but his behavior makes me think he'd go there with plans of hurting someone.

Ugh. It's too bad this community has to put up with that harassment, nonstop. But at least now people can see a good reason as to why something like downvotes need to exist. Bars have bouncers/security for a damn good reason. One psycho can ruin a business in one weekend so rather than watching all the customers leave, you kick out the one psycho. Common sense. Universal rule. Go against it; get fucked. I know I personally see no need in paying psychos like that and don't see how paying a psycho like that would bring property values up. So whatever. If people want to complain about that shit, just point at him and say, "That's why."


welcome back! (for now!)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sup Jin.

Blink and you'll miss it.

how can i miss that which is unmissable?


By dismissing all things not missing.

Good to have you backish again.

Haven't been following his comments, other than downvoting from time to time. He is obviously struggling mentally considering the way he talks of people and I suspect that there are some deep-seeded issues in there. NPD at least - which seems to be a common thread with this type of user.

It is sad that there is this continual threat to the community, with such disturbed individuals, but it is one of the protections afforded the system - free speech and response.

The community here sets the dress code of who gets paid and plays the bouncer.

Maybe he's a drinker and can't really handle it, turns into a mean drunk, then shows up here thinking he's being funny but says insane shit instead and embarrasses himself yet too drunk to remember and learn valuable life lessons along the way like, "Don't be psycho."

Meanwhile his enablers can see the problem but act like friendlies, feeding him more booze, because that's their entertainment.

Of course, as a proponent of free speech myself, I think it's great. But why use that freedom to speak lies and insults when all that does is place the speaker within their own mental prison cell to spend an eternity held back by their own secrets? There's no freedom in living a lie.

With the amount of time he has put into some of this insanity, he must keep drinking along the way, egged on by Dutch courage and a credit card.

It is a funny thing about free speech - people like to exercise it, without much thought into what they are saying or how they say it. That is part of the freedom of course - free to be and look a fool.